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New Agism is a Perfect Philosophy to Create a Passive Public Composed Entirely of Gullible, Compliant, Sheeple.

by Merlin Saint Germain


If the ruling elite didn't invent New Age Philosophy, then they should have.

New Age Philosophy as it currently stands is completely disconnected from its roots in ancient mystery school teachings,  eastern mysticism and western esoteric wisdom as elaborated by Swami Vivekenanda,  HP Blavastsky, Paramahansa Yogananda, Simone Weil, Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich, Godfre Ray King, and the other purveyors of the Ageless Wisdom throughout time, and has become a bad caricature of what it started out as in the late 1800's.

New Age Philosophy as it currently stands is the "new instant enlightenment". By simply adhering to its beliefs, one no longer needs to seek truth, make effort, do spiritual practises, learn, think, grow, help others, or in fact do anything. One may simply luxuriate in eternal bliss, confident in the knowledge that you have "ascended", and that your mere presence in the world is the greatest service possible, and will assure that all beings will be fully enlightened in a matter of months.


The central tenets of New Age Philosophy, as preached by many millions of its devoted adherents are:

1) There is no duality. Nothing really exists. We are all One. There is no multiplicity of beings.

2) There is only fear and love.

3) However, there is only love. Only God exists, and God is love.

4) Only the present exists. The past and future are but dreams. Forget the past and ignore the future. All power exists in the now.

5) Suffering is unreal - both yours and others.

6) Everything is perfect just as it is.

7) If anything happened, then it had to happen. It couldn't have happened any differently.  There is no freedom of choice. We live in the best of all possible worlds, and everything happens for the best. There are no mistakes and there  is no evil, except the belief that there is evil, which is evil.

8) There is no right and wrong. Everything everyone does is the action of God, and perfect. So never critically examine your own behavior, or that of another. Never feel guilt, remorse, or see where you made a mistake. You can't make a mistake. Everything you and everyone else does is good and perfect. If someone accuses you of harming them, then just tell them that they are just seeing a reflection of their own wrong thinking.

9) There is no true or false. Whatever anyone believes is what they must believe at that time, and is true for them. By believing it, the person makes it true. Reality is created by each of our beliefs. Truth is relative. What everyone believes is best for them.

10) We shape the world with our thoughts. Therefore to think that someone else is suffering and needs help, then we cause that situation to occur. Trying to help another person in trouble is the cause of the problem, and the solution to the problem is to stop believing that anyone is in trouble and needs help.

11) The mind is the enemy. Thinking created all the problems in the world. Thinking is a destructive waste of time. God resides in the heart. Stop thinking and simply feel your heart, and radiate love to all. There is no need to learn or think, or to do anything, simply be. The right actions will come naturally without any need to think.

13) Whatever we place our attention on, we make worse. So if we see suffering, then we amplify it by becoming aware of it. If we see happiness, then we amplify it also.

12) Observing the world, research, learning, and discussion are negative activities as they could turn up something undesirable or negative. By focusing our attention on these negative things, we make them worse.

13) Trying to fix problems, alleviate suffering or to help people is negative thinking and destructive, because as soon as we put our attention on any problem, we can only make it worse.

14) We should only seek to help ourself. If we seek to help another then we will only do them harm, because the very idea that anyone else exists is delusional, and the idea that anyone else needs help is a negative thought and creates problems in the world.

15) We can't love another until we learn to love ourselves perfectly. So just focus on loving yourself.

16) Compassion is destructive. If you think that someone is suffering and needs help, then you are harming them with your thoughts.

17) If you believe in something, then it is real. So believe unswervingly that the world is perfect, all beings are happy, and only good things are happening to everyone, and only positive things will ever happen in the future, and this will be the truth.


Notice how a philosophy that says that "there is only love" removes any element of ethics, compassion, responsibility and accountability from life.

Notice how a philosophy that says "everything is true" removes any need to hold up any particular belief to critical scrutiny or to seek for truth.

Notice how a philosophy which says that there is no such thing as malice or evil blinds people to the actions of psychopaths who are harming them and others.

Note how a philosophy that says there is no such thing as an objective reality, but that we each construct the universe in our minds, gives people the option to accuse anyone who objects to their abuse of making it up in their own mind "by projection".

Notice how a philosophy that rejects reason and science can accept any position, no matter how delusional or false, and reject any argument that refutes it.

Notice how a philosophy which says that if you believe someone else is suffering and needs help, indicates that you aren't enlightened yet, and the remedy is to love only yourself, guarantees that there is no compassion, cooperation, or neighborliness among people.

Notice how a philosophy that rejects the contribution of thousands of great philosophers, mystics, sages and yogis throughout the ages revels in cracker jack philosophy and the worst abuses of pop psychology.

Notice how a philosophy that ignores introspection, careful self observation and self responsibility is inclined to the most blatant hypocrisies such as condemning people for not being loving enough if they don't agree that there is only love in the world, and for asserting the obvious fact that there are alot of other feelings and motives in the world.