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Finding Your Path
American Voice Radio - 11/12/10

Transcribed by Liz Patton


“Any government that wants to issue a unique identification number to most of the population, and then to compile and link information about them using increasingly powerful technology, bears a heavy onus to justify its case. 'Nothing to hide, nothing to fear' directed at each member of the public, should be turned around and directed at government as: 'No legitimate reason to know, no legitimate reason to ask. ”

That was said by Paul Chadwick, the Victorian Privacy Commissioner in an article entitled, The Value of Privacy, published May 23, 2006.


Now I've got a number of topics that I'd like to cover today, but to start the show I'd like to talk a little bit about finding your path in life. Essentially finding what is known as your dharma. And you may ask, “What is dharma?”

dharma is a cosmic principle that is very difficult to truly define. But what dharma is, is your true place in the cosmic process. Your true place in what people might term Gods divine plan. Your true place in your divine plan. Your true place in time. Your true place in space. Your true place in awareness, in thought, in deed and in desire. And the principle of dharma basically determines the harmonious functions of what we could call the cosmic machine. And in order for the individual to be able to fulfill their role in the cosmic scheme of things, they must first behave within their unique dharma.

And doing this is not really as difficult as many people might at first believe, because in order for you to behave within your dharma, essentially you need only to follow the 4 rules of dharma. And that is that you ought to do the right thing at the right time in the right way for the right reason. By doing this is how you obtain balance. When you can establish this balance within yourself, you can ensure your own well-being and you can also ensure the well-being of society in which you live. And by following these 4 rules, you open up the path that has been planned for you and you find your dharma.

By walking the path of dharma, you can virtually negate any problems you might have within this life in regards to karma. Karma is of course quite different to dharma, but both very much respond to each other. Karma is certainly a result of people not following their dharma.

And I'm not intending to get all mystical and go all Indian or anything on you folks; I’m simply wishing to explain these simple principals of life, because when you understand these principals of life, it can truly help you to live a harmonious life and it can open up doorways for you. It can open up doorways to synchronicity. It can open up doorways of the path of the heart that I always talk about.

And the most difficulty people might have in considering the path of dharma is to go, “Well what is the right thing? How do you know? If you're supposed to do the right thing at the right time in the right way for the right reason, how do you know what is right? And actually, the method for establishing this is again a lot more simple than people might first imagine, because all you have to do is look and see whether you are acting within the one law; and that is the one true law of creation – absolute unconditional love and service to the creation for the creator.

An adherence to this law and understanding of this law will help you view the world in a more realistic fashion. You will clearly perceive that it means service to the creation and not service to others at the expense of the self and not service to the self at the expense of others. Not service to others and the self at the expense of the environment. Not service to the environment at the expense of self and others. Not service to any man-made structure, be it a fictitious corporate structure, or a business structure or any other type of structure at the expense of the environment or other people

You see it's a state of balance, folks. Balance between all of it. And one can easily attain this balance by acting always in a state of service. But it's service to the creation as a whole. And it's easy to be in this state of service if one can simply look and see the connection, realize the connection that we have to each other, that we have to everything in the universe. Live in the understanding of In Lak'ech (I am another yourself) and serve the whole of the creation. By gaining this understanding it becomes a lot easier to follow the path of the dharma. By following your path of dharma, you can virtually eliminate any karma you might gather in this life.

And again, people will look at this and say, “Well, what is karma?” and many people have a very misconceived view of what karma and dharma is. Many people are too quick to simply write off the problems of others as karma. And many of things very well may be a result of things that they’ve inflicted upon others in the course of their lives. But many times people may be witnessing violence against another person and say, “Well that’s their karma.” And they use their belief of karma to simply allow the world turn to wreck and ruin around them, because they say the people who are involved, “That’s their karma. It doesn't effect my life here. I'm all safe within my spiritual bubble. I'm not going to let other peoples karma effect my world.” And by doing so, they are actually inducing karma upon themselves. And that’s something else I should probably should get into actually.

You see, when you are witnessing someone else karma; when you are in a situation say where you see someone being subject to violence, you have an opportunity to do the right thing in the right way at the right time for the right reason. Passive acceptance of violence against another person is simply an approval of violence. I can see a situation where someone is being violent towards another person, and I will do everything within my power to diffuse that situation. But I won't do it with a hatred towards the perpetrator, because that's not the right way to approach it. The perpetrator is simply off their path, and they are in a state where they are just frantically harvesting energy from another person. They are actually inducing a lot of karma for themselves. But because I'm witnessing this situation, that means I'm involved in this situation. If you are witnessing, you are witnessing for a reason, folks. And that is because you are being presented with an opportunity to diffuse the situation in the right way. That is, not to do it from a state of hatred. That is to do it from a state of love. And why would you not seek to help diffuse a situation if one presented itself to you? Well, the only real reason you would not step in to diffuse such a situation is because you are in a state of fear. So if you can remove fear and do the right thing then you can help everybody out. In fact, it's not even the removal of fear, but more the facing of fear.

This brings to mind a wonderful quote by Jiddu Krishnamurti. He said, “What is needed, rather than running away or controlling or suppressing or any other resistance, is understanding fear; that means, to watch it, to learn about it, and to come directly into contact with it.” And he went on to say that “we are to learn about fear, not how to escape from it.” Very wise words.

In regards to karma, the question is often asked, “Well what about a 3 year old child that is being beaten or abused? What is that child’s karma. How could that child have induced any karma at 3 years old?”

And the way to understand this is, your soul is eternal, your spirit is eternal and it does live through various lives. You can look at that situation of a 3 year old child and when you look at such things from a karmic perspective, you can see both the horror and the beauty of how it works. You can see the horror of what's being done to the child, and you can see the beauty of it as much as you can see that a soul is clearing that karma from its existence. But you can also see the importance of the fact that you are observing this, and this is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your love and empathy by going to the aid of another human being. And it's also an opportunity for you to clear that type of energy from this reality and to prevent that from happening. You see, by witnessing something like that, and not doing something about it, you are agreeing that it is okay for this to be done. So what is your karma?

Now extrapolate that out to the whole world. Look at what is happening to the world. We all sat here and watched the bombing of Baghdad on television. We saw what was happening to those people. We saw the explosions. We saw a whole city brought to complete ruins from carpet bombings carried out by our governments and carried out in our names. You see, they put it all on television, folks. They make sure that we all get to see this stuff all the time. Every time we watch the news we see what is going on overseas. We see all of the atrocities that are happening all around the world, but we never really stop to think that the cause of all of the atrocities is the common peoples compliance to the system. We sit back and we just look at all of this and we don't do anything about it. We don't speak out about it. There are so many people who will sit back and look at this stuff and they don't realize that the people who are doing this; the controlling elite who are causing all of this hardship in the world, all these atrocities in the world, they are doing it because that is the energy that they like to live in. That’s the energy that they like to harvest.

And eventually these same conditions will be brought to own countries, because we will allow it to be brought to our own countries. We are allowing it to be brought here by our silent acquiescence to it being done elsewhere around the world. And when that type of repression does come to our countries, and it will come to our countries, then it will indeed be our karma to accept that reality due to our failure to resist it and our acquiescence to its growth.

As I've often said folks, all of the problems that we see in the world have a common cause, and that cause is the corrupt system itself that runs this world. And it's a completely illusionary system. It only exists on paper, and it exists because we allow it to exist.

What stops us from ever addressing its existence is, and always has been, fear.

Fear is the essence of the system. It is what the system functions on. Everybody is in fear of the rules imposed by the system itself. And everyone is in fear of coming into their power and standing up for who and what they are. Fear is the only thing that’s ever allowed the system to be perpetuated. Many people are actually even in fear of realizing that the system exists at all. It very much is a matrix, folks, and people are very scared to ever step out of the system and tread the path of self-responsibility.

And don’t get me wrong here, folks. When I talk about stepping out of the system, I'm not saying we should all walk away from the system and grow vegetables int the hills, although that’s not a bad idea. What I'm saying is we don't have to build alternate communities. We don't need to build alternate lifestyles. What we need to do is address the problems that we face within the system, step away from that within the system which prevents us from ever dealing with the corruption that is inherent within it...if that made sense at all.

We need to have a society that is based on giving, that is based on service to all. And the only thing that prevents us from doing that from within the society that we have now, is us. It's our acquiescence to a bunch of completely corrupt corporate rules that have been put in place which prevent us from ever helping anybody else.

As I've often said, there is no reason that there should be any people starving or homeless or in any type of state of shortage anywhere within this world. The only reason there are people in that situation is because of the corrupt corporate interests. And the only reason these corrupt corporate interests have create these situations is due to our solid acquiescence to the corruption that exists within the system. We just continually turn a blind eye. And there are a great many mechanisms in place to ensure that we continue to do this – Religious mechanisms, political mechanisms, new age belief systems. All these things promote apathy within our society and prevent people from ever truly looking within and from ever turning and facing the shadow.

Folks, the fact is, there is a huge shadow that exists in the world today. It's a shadow that was conceived in fear and born in self service, and it very much needs clearing. The reason it's not being cleared is through peoples willful ignorance of the shadow, and their willful apathy in regard to addressing this shadow. Too many people, especially people within the new age movement claim to have dealt with the shadow. Well, I'm sorry folks, but if you look around the world you will see that the shadow is still there and you haven't dealt with it at all. What most of these people have done is they have ignored the shadow, the refuse to face the shadow within themselves and within the world and thereby allowed its perpetuation. And as I've mentioned to you before, this is due to most peoples inability to be able to receive and process light. There are too many people who perceive light to be darkness, simply due to the negative emotion that they choose to attach to certain forms of light.

All information is light. All information is good information. All information should be processed, and the reason people have difficulty with some forms of information and chose to attach negative information to it, is due to their failure to look both within and without and to face the shadow, thereby enabling them to be able to process all forms of light.

Everything that is happening in the world today; all the things that people may perceive to be negative - the wars, the starvation, the homelessness, the atrocities that are being carried out in other countries such as Iraq in our name. In the name of every person in this country people are being killed. People seem to fail to understand that when our government is involved in illegal wars and by default in war atrocities such as those that are happening in Baghdad and Abu Ghraib and all across places such as Iraq and Afghanistan, they are there in my name. They are there in your name. When our government is in another country, it is there in our name. You can deny that this is happening or you can look at what is happening overseas and say, “Well that is their karma. That is the karma of those souls that are suffering like that because of past transgressions.” And that may be true, but as I said, allowing this to perpetuate in the world is agreeance that this is okay. And by doing so, what is your karma? Who is to say that the people that are suffering in those countries were not the people who committed those acts themselves, but people who sat idly by and watched?

That is what appears to be happening in our society. That's what very much appears to be happening in the new age movement; a stage of absolute denial where people simply don't acknowledge that these things are going on in the world, thereby allowing them to be perpetuated. And this is one of the main reasons why these atrocities are being perpetuated and in fact are escalating in the world today; simply because of people choosing to remain in a state of denial. And by doing this, this is of course also locking them into a perpetual karmic cycle.

So anyway, I just thought it would be good to touch on some of that this week because of some of the letters that I've been getting from people, some of the comments that I've had from people. I've actually had very bad internet problems for the last week, so I apologize to anybody who is still waiting for replies to emails. I simply haven't been able to access my email for the last few days. I'll keep you posted on that one, folks.

Something else I wanted to touch on is meeting groups. People who have been having meetings and even meetings that I've been having here. Some of the things that you might get from having these meetings. Some of the problems that may occur from having these meetings. What you will find of course when you do start having community meetings is you start getting a bit of attention, what you will find is you will get infiltrated by a agent provocateurs. You will find people suddenly realizing, “Hey these guys are getting a lot of attention.” And you will find people who infiltrate the meetings and will attempt to lead pockets of people who attend the meetings off down and get them involved in little community projects and things in order to occupy them, keep them tied up in doing something that’s never really going to go anywhere, and to prevent people from ever focusing on the core issues which is the cause of the problems that we face. You will find this will happen quite often. You will get people that come there in an attempt to sell their wares. You'll get people to come there to promote their businesses. And you will very much get people who attempt to create division within the meetings with the specific purpose as I said of leading people off and taking them down blind alleys. Keeping them involved in little issues so these people think they're actually achieving something, but what they are actually doing is removing focus from the problem that created the need to go and create for their little alternate system that they're trying to do. I mean, all these alternate systems are good. Don't get me wrong. Of course you should be involved in community initiatives, but as I said, you must always remember to also keep your focus on the cause of the problem that created the need for you to build any alternate community, because you shouldn't have to do this. The reason we have to do all of these alternate things and create all of these alternate co-ops and all of these things, is because there is a criminal element in charge of our governments that has created the need for us to do this. Our governments are doing the job that they are supposed to do. We need to address this criminal element. If we don't do that; if we don't address this criminal element, we are simply allowing the shadow to be perpetuated.

There is nothing wrong with government. We can still have government. We can still have a monetary system. We can still have societies very close to what we've got now, we just need to have them run honestly, folks. See that’s the problem. I’m not suggesting that we pull down any governments or hurt anybody or anything like that; I am simply suggesting that we hold people accountable to their actions. And we need to remove ourselves from the clutches of this money system. We need to remove ourselves from the clutches of this corrupt maritime legal system. It's ridiculous all this Maritime Admiralty law we are subject to. It was never designed for people. It was for goods and chattels. Well, we're not goods and chattels, folks; we are people and are prevented from ever being free due to our governments and due to our acquiescence to these little squiggly lines that these psychopaths and sociopaths put on pieces of paper. We bow down to anything they say. All of these ridiculous pieces of legislation which all dis-empower humanity. We go and fight their wars. We pay their bills. We pay their taxes. We leave our homes when the banks purposefully put us in a situation of debt that we can't pay. The sell our mortgages and then they make us move out of our homes. Its ridiculous, folks. We shouldn't be doing any of this.

As I've said, there is no reason for anybody to be in a state of hardship. There is no reason for anybody to be in a state of shortage anywhere on this planet. So we need to stand up and address this issue. We really do. We need to do it peacefully. We need to do it en masse. And we need to do it soon,because there is a global network being put in place. A global system of control being put in place.

Many people might ask, “Well if they've got all of this stuff in place, why don't they just lock us all down? Why don't they just take us all out now?”

Well it doesn't work that way, folks. You need to promote people's slavery to them in such a way that it actually appears attractive. Promote to them that they are getting the latest mod cons, when all they are getting is the latest surveillance. And promote to them the idea that this is cool and trendy.

You see, you need to make people believe that they are still free as they are entering this global police state. As von Goethe said, “There are none more hopelessly enslaved then those who falsely believe they are free.” People who falsely believe that they are free in fact make the very best of slaves. So that's why it's being done the way it is. It's being very slowly implemented over a couple of generations in order to get people to accept this society. That is to accept it as the latest mod con and as the latest trendy gadget. They accept the loss of their freedoms in order to protect them from them from terrorism, which of course is wholly manufactured by government in order to make them give up their freedoms. And so slowly but surely mainly due to the state of denial and inaction of the populace, the human race is being deprived of everything that makes humanity what it is.

Well I think its time for a break now, folks. I'll leave it there for now. I very much appreciate you spending this time with me today. I'll speak to you again in a few minutes. Thanks for listening.

Welcome back, folks. It's been a very interesting week in the world actually, hasn't it? That was an interesting missile launch off the coast of L.A. The government response to it was of course very interesting. I mean, “Hey it's a missile that was launched 50 miles off the coast of L.A., but we don't know what it was or where it came from or who launched it, but we're not really that worried about it.”

Of course, if North Korea or Iran was to do something like this, we would be screaming World War III and wanting to go and bomb them immediately. But of course America gets to launch a missile and no one really cares about it. Perhaps it was simply a demonstration by Obama while he was overseas. Perhaps he was over visiting somebody and said, “Look the people in my country are so brainwashed by the media, that I could launch a missile off the coast, tell the people we don't know who did it and they won't even care. They'll just buy whatever story the White House and the press feed them and within a couple of days it will go away.”

Perhaps it was done for that reason. Perhaps it was done to demonstrate the state of apathy that now exists within modern western society, and thereby demonstrate how easy it is for western forces to invade any country that they like, because they can tell the people anything they want in any situation, the media will simply promote it and the people will buy into it and whatever it was, within 2 or 3 days they will go back to being way too distracted with their television and their fashion accessories to probably even remember that the event occurred. And that is unfortunately the current state of western society. But again, you can't really blame people for it, folks; it's simply the way we've been brought up and the understanding we collectively have of reality due to what we've been taught. So it's a very interesting week indeed, folks.

Very interesting as well Obama's trip overseas with his massive entourage of apparently 3,000 people I heard that he was taking with him, not to mention how many warships and aircraft he is also taking with him. I guess that kind of brings the whole global warming and fuel shortage idea into question as well, doesn't it folks? Interesting that he should be touring overseas with such a large force, while at the same time we see a mysterious missile being launched off the coast of L.A. I wonder what they're really up to. Perhaps a show of both force and of national apathy. It does stand to reason in a lot of ways and wouldn't surprise me at all. Great way to take over the world, folks. Lets just sail around and go and show everybody what we've got and say, we control it all now anyway. Here's a missile, People don't care. Don't think we can't do what we want. So I suggest that you all follow us with this global financial crash and let us introduce this one world currency and let us introduce the Chinese system on a global scale or we're going to bomb you. Nothing would surprise me with these people, folks.

It really does stand to reason; they also introduce massive surveillance systems all throughout the western world. They are introducing massive camera surveillance systems here through Australia. They're introducing facial recognition on everybody's licenses. They are also introducing voice recognition for a lot of government services that you are establishing your voice ID so you don't need a pin number anymore. They are basically gathering a facial database and a voice recognition data base on everybody, folks. Of course the are implementing these measures with the comfortable title of convenience and security. What they are really doing is developing a comprehensive database on every aspect of every person in every western society.

I mean, we've had government initiatives suggest that you become part of an international DNA database. We've had people donating blood for years and years. We have RFID tracking technology. We have facial recognition on our licenses. We have a voice recognition database being built as well. So they are effectively collecting a database which will contain information upon every aspect of everybody, folks.

And this really is an extremely worrisome position for the human race to be allowing itself to be put into, because the more this information is centralized, the greater is the potential for misuse. And allowing information to be centralized in this way is creating a world for our children and grandchildren which is going to be truly hellish if this generation doesn't stand up for its rights and prevent these type of measures from being implemented.

It is not we that will suffer that much in our lifetimes, but the world that is being created for modern children to be born into is becoming more and more totalitarian and decreasingly human friendly. Eventually children are going to be born into virtually a robot society. If this generation doesn't wake up and stop complying with the implementation of the totalitarian system that is clearly being constructed in plain sight all around us.

Now I know we can beat this system, folks. I know we can beat this police state that's being built. In fact, I'm sure that we do. I know that we do. This is simply how it happens. But the only way that we do is through strength of numbers; through peaceful rebellion, through seeing this illusionary system for what it is and realizing that we don't actually have to do along with any of this stuff. We don't have to fight any of these wars. We don't have to go along with any of these rules. All we have to do is connect with each other and look after each other. All we have to do is live in our natural state of abundance. And even with the way the system is now, we have warehouses full of food that we don't eat. We have food that goes off. People throw food out at almost every meal, and yet there are people starving in the world. It's just this huge imbalance of power, and it's all done by design. Even with the system that we've got, if it was run honestly we could feed the world, we could clothe the world and we could house the world, even within this system. I'm not kidding, even with the system that we've got.

We've got all this abundance everywhere, but the thing that stops people from accessing this abundance is a shortage of money, because we somehow believe we need paper in order to access the abundance that is here every where for us. We've been tricked into believing this paper money is actually real and actually means something. It's like this hypnotic tool, folks. It prevents you from having what you need, being what you are and experiencing the life that you should have, because you have to spend your life collecting this paper.

I mean, you've got to admit, it's a great system, folks. They've worked it out very cleverly, but as I said its just a system of shortage. Money is simply designed to put people in a state of shortage. I'd like to see the end of money, to be honest. I can appreciate that a lot of people like this stuff and if we were to eliminate money we may have to do it over a couple of generations just so people get used to it, but I can't see that money should be any object to abundance. It simply doesn’t make sense. If money is an object to abundance, then what do we need this stuff for? Humanity should be in a state of abundance. It's an abundant planet. We don't need to do half the thing that we do. We certainly don't need to have oil based economies and interest based monetary systems. I mean, that doesn't make sense at all. There is absolutely not a shred of sanity in either of those systems.

And that should be a little bit of a sign for people as well, if they were to simply step back and look at this, and not simply accept it as being 'just the way things are' but actually step back and examine it, because anybody who does so will clearly see the obvious insanity that this system is based on. I mean, I frankly don't know how else to describe it, folks. It really is that bad.

Now all the shows that I've done for you, ever since the beginning, I've brought all this information to you, and I've tried to do it in a way that is empowering. I've always tried to help people understand that we are the victors in the end. But in doing so and offering that perspective, I most certainly do not wish to promote a sense of complacency within people. I am confident that we extract ourselves from this corrupt corporate system and live to become who and what we truly are and what we deserve to be, but I also understand that it can only be done by the people when the people choose to implement these changes for themselves. I understand that if I don't act and if I don't bring the information to people that I bring to them, then people will remain complacent. There are too many systems in place that are designed to do that. Too many systems in place that prevent people from ever acting within the physical and keep them locked in spiritual bubbles; systems pf religions and new age belief systems, all basically the same. They are all waiting for saviors in the external world without ever changing their energetic state on the internal world and addressing that which is physical around them. It's all about never allowing people to achieve the state of balance that they should be in. This of course prevents the world that we live on, and the societies that we live within from ever truly obtaining this state of balance that they should be in.

Now if you can look at all of this stuff. If you can look at all of the wars that have been waged around the planet and all of the things that people perceive to be negative. Look at the state of our societies; the starvation, the homelessness, the foreclosures that people are going through with banks. The shortage that everyone is in due to the imposition of this money supply, and look at it from a perspective of karma and dharma as I talked about earlier. When you do this, you begin to see that if people were to simply follow their dharma; if people were simply to do that which was right. If people were to simply follow the one universal law of creation – unconditional love and service to the creation. Realize that service includes everybody. Including themselves. Including the environment. Including other people. It is service to all. If everybody was in a state of service to all, who would be the leader? Who would be the slave? There would be neither leader nor slave. There would be abundance. There would be a united human consciousness.

We could all have our countries if we wanted. If we wanted to have borders. Personally I don't really believe in nationalism that much. I just believe in people. I think nations are the product of governments and I don't believe we need governments either. I believe that all we really need is true education and a true understanding of reality, and a true understanding of the connection we all have to each other. To see the world and see reality and to see society and the human race for what we really are. And I think that that would eliminate all the problems that we face.

Maybe I 'm a little idealistic, but to me it seems to simple. And I believe that the problems that humanity faces all come from our governments. I've never met a person anywhere who wanted problems. All of the problems. All the wars. All of the corrupt money system. All of the corporate slavery...all of it. All of the corruption comes from governments. I believe that is actually the purpose of governments. I think that man functions a lot better without such institutions, which simply are systems of control. As I've often said, the word government itself comes from the Latin 'gube mente' which means control mind. And that has always told me as much as I need to know about governments.

Now in saying everything I say about governments, folks. And in saying everything I say about non-compliance and the need to turn away from the system, something that needs to be clearly understood in all this is that there is no violent way to do this. There is no violent revolution that is going to work. And I do not advocate any type of violent revolution. I do not advocate the overthrow of any government. What I advocate is the addressing of the criminality that exists within these government systems. The addressing of the system itself, which simply doesn’t function in the best interest of human kind. Any rebellion that needs to take place needs to be a peaceful rebellion. It needs to be a quiet act of non-compliance to the system. A global act of friendship and unity and defiance against the system that is inherently corrupt.

It becomes obvious that this can only be achieved by the human race itself obtaining a state of balance. A state of balance between the right spiritual approach to a very physical situation.

Essentially, in order to successfully achieve any type pf peaceful revolution of human society, what is first needed is an evolution of human consciousness. People need to change their energetic state. Once they do so and they see the connection they have to others, this will help them to unify with others. And in this unity the human race will collectively be able to stand and face the fear and address and heal the shadow that currently exists in this world and that so desperately needs clearing.

The reason people are unable to face this shadow and face their fear is because they still fear each other. If they can just let down their guard, get to know their neighbors, build community, get to know the people around you, see these people as yourself, embrace them, understand them and all collectively stand to face this fear and to clear this shadow, this is how the world can be healed. And it can be healed very quickly.

And all people need to accomplish this is an understanding of energy. And in obtaining this, one gains an understanding of the nature of this world. One gains an understanding of the unity of consciousness. One gains an understanding of the connection that we have to everything within the universe, and thus the fear between each other breaks down, and this enables us to face the shadow. It really is so simple that people just fail to see it, because people are too distracted by the societies that are constructed to prevent them from ever gaining this understanding.

You see it's all an opportunity for us folks. This is the moment when each individual frequency of the human race was given its opportunity to discover what reality is, and to come into its power and to stand up and to face the shadow and heal it.

As I’ve said before, it isn't really like we have a choice. We have to do this, because if we don't, what we are heading for is eugenics and within a few generations the human race will probably look like a cross between gremlins and borgs if the controlling elite has its way, folks. So it isn't like we have a choice. We have to address this situation, and everything that is happening is a wonderful opportunity for us to do so. We have to stand up and do it.

When you see people getting arrested for raw food, for having raw cheese and for all these ridiculous pieces of legislation being brought in, this is a real sign folks. You have to start supporting these people. You have to start ringing up, complaining to the FDA, complaining to your governments and going out of your way to not comply with this activity. You need to all go out of your way to start getting seeds and start growing as much food as possible. And keeping things alive and keeping things real, folks because they are desperately trying to control food. Once they can control food they can control everybody.

They control food. They control the air with chemtrails. And by doing this, they can introduce heavy metals and biological agents via the food, via the water, via the air and they can quite literally genetically alter the entire human race into whatever they would like it to be. And they’re putting this massive system of control in with all these satellites and these microchips and facial recognition and voice recognition and body scanners and everything that they are doing, so there is not going to be anywhere to exactly escape from this system if we allow it to be put in place. So we need to address it, folks. It's pretty simple.

As I said, what we need rather than surveillance cameras and facial recognition and all this stuff on the citizens is full surveillance and live streaming video of what happens in every room of every government building in the country, because that’s where the real crimes take place. But I guess that's just stating the obvious after all, isn't it?

As you might have noticed on the shows I do, I'm not big on promoting things. I don't really promote too much stuff on the show, but a couple of weeks, actually the day before my birthday, I had a gift arrive in the mail which was some orgonite. Included in the parcel was a cone-shaped device which I've been told is not actually orgonite, but simply a device that incorporates orgonite into its design. It's apparently some type of energy resonator. Looks cone-shaped lump of resin sitting on my desk, but it's had an amazing effect upon my energy field. I feel very connected again. So as I said, I'm not much on recommending products to people and I am a bit of a skeptic about all sorts of resonators and all sorts of devices, but I've had an incredibly positive experience having this resonator and having these pieces of orgonite around. So I would suggest that people look into a little bit of orgonite. I actually had a small piece arrive from another person in Queensland as well. It is quite an amazing feeling little piece as well. Yes folks, I recommend that you do look into a little bit of orgonite. I'll keep you posted on the effects that this thing seems to be having. And if you like, you can send me an email and I'll put you in touch with the people who made both the resonator for me and the people who sent the other small piece of orgonite to me. You might like them to perhaps make you some as well. Perhaps I'll simply put a link on for them. That might be an easier way to go about it. I'll get back to you on that, folks.

As I said, it's been kind of difficult to do things this week because I haven't had internet for several days. I'm hoping that it's going to come back on in the next day or two. I've actually had to prerecord this show and go out to a cafe in town to be able to send it across to the radio station, because I simply can't connect at home. Unfortunately the phone company took it upon themselves to remove the ADSL off the line. They said, “Oh I'm sorry about that. It will only take 3 – 5 business days to get it connected again.” Yes, the Australian telephone company Telstra is wonderful, folks. Wonderful incompetent anyway at at doing things like removing ADSL from your line, for no apparent cause and then taking 3-5 days to put it back on again. There is of course a huge number of places in Australia where you simply can't get internet because the infrastructure for internet is so poor in this country, which is probably why the internet in Australia is some of the most expensive in the world as well. They actually cap our bandwidth here. You can only get a limited amount every month. It's quite amazing actually, because just as I was organizing with the radio station to get back to doing live shows again, I have the most incredible internet problems that I've had in years all just suddenly manifest and the line becomes more unreliable than it ever has been before. Quite amazing the way the universe works. I guess I'm just not meant to do live shows at this particular time. It's a little disappointing, but I guess I'll just have to live with it at the moment, and unfortunately so will you. So you're not going to be able to ring me up for a little while yet, unfortunately. And my future in this regard lies purely in the hands of the phone company, my friends. There is absolutely nothing that I appear to be able to do about it.

I think we're getting close to the end of the show here, folks. I'll have to wrap it up in a minute or two.

If there is anything I would like you particularly to take away from the show today, it's an understanding of how finding your dharma can effect your karma. I'd like you to understand the power that you have to effect change in the world by simply changing your own inner energetic state and finding your dharma by always acting within the one law. Acting within these understandings will provide the guidelines to creating the perfect harmonious reality. That's all the one law is. And that’s what your dharma is.

If you can always seek to do that which is right in the right way at the right time for the right reason, if that reason is always based in the one law and if you simply learn to listen to your heart, then you always find your answer and you will be able to build a harmonious reality.

And the key is to realize that there really is really only one of us here. When you witness the karma of another, you have an opportunity to address that situation, because failing to do so will create more karma for yourself, more karma for the single consciousness that we are all part of, and the longer this experiment in consciousness will run.

And it is very important that we now stand up and address the situation we now face as a species, and indeed the treat that we are facing from the system that we have allowed to be constructed around us and that we partake in every day. This system really is threatening our very humanity. And the only way this situation is ever going to be addressed is by us. There is no one who is going to save us from this system. The ones that we have been waiting for to rescue us from what we are facing are truly ourselves, and it's up to the human race to realize this and stand up and take matters in hand.

Well, that’s pretty well it for me for the day, folks. I hope this show hasn't been too disjointed for you. I've tried to cover a lot of different ground, but I believe it's stuff that all needed to be said. And as I've often said, all I'm really ever attempting to do with any of this is offer perspective.

What I would like to do though is finish the show with a poem that I came across that I actually read when Ben Stewart was out here. I'm not sure who wrote the poem. I just found it as an anonymous poem online and I'd like to read it for you now.

Children of tomorrow
I apologize to you
On behalf of those in my time
For the things we didn't do
We didn't stop the tyrants
So your fate could be prevented
We watched them steal our freedom
By our silence we consented
We didn't choose to circumvent
The doom you've not escaped
While the Bill of Rights was murdered
And the Constitution raped
Some of us were lazy
Others too afraid
To think about our children
The ones we have betrayed
I guess we were too busy
To be concerned or care
To try to ease the burden
Of the chains we made you wear
We could have been good shepherds
When the wolf got in the fold
But we watched the flame of freedom die instead
And left you cold

I'm sorry we were timid
My selfish generation
We left you but a remnant
Of a free and prosperous nation
I'm sorry for our actions
Like cowards we behaved
We could have left you freedom
Instead you are enslaved
Children of tomorrow
Descendants of our land
I'm sorry we allowed this
The fate you now with stand


Thank you for listening to the show today, folks. I'll look forward to speaking again to you next week. Take care until then.

In Lak'ech.