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Let The Healing Begin
American Voice Radio -03/18/11

Transcribed by Liz Patton

“Each man must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong. Which course is patriotic and which isn't. He cannot shirk this and be a man. To decide against your convictions is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor both to yourself and to your country. Let men label you as they may.”

And that quote comes from Mark Twain.

Welcome to Surviving the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Maxwell Igan. It's a pleasure to be with you once again, and I will be your host for the next hour.

And folks there are so many things that I want to cover on today’s show that I simply don't know where to begin. We have seen an incredibly dangerous situation unfolding in Japan of course in the last week. This was actually happening about the time I was recording last weeks radio show, so I didn't actually mention it on last weeks show, because I wasn't aware of it as I was making the recording. But it certainly has turned out to be an extremely catastrophic situation.

Now, I had some people ask me on an interview I did last week I can't remember the name of the station and I didn't record it for you, so I didn't get to post it on the Crow House for you. But anyway, during the interview, I was being asked whether I believed the earthquake and tsunami in Japan was caused by HAARP. And I said that I really wasn't sure simply because of the magnitude of the quake being reports up to 8.8 or 8.9 magnitude. And there were some people saying that it was the biggest earthquake ever recorded. And I thought “well, that's interesting”. But I actually looked it up and found it was the 4th biggest earthquake that was ever recorded. And even though it's number 4 on the list, it is still an extremely large earthquake. The biggest earthquake ever recorded was actually the Great Chilean earthquake that happened in the 1960's; the Valdivia quake which registered a whopping 9.5 on the Richter scale. And the next biggest earthquake was in 1964 in Prince William Sound, Alaska, which measured 9.2. And the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake is the next biggest earthquake ever recorded, clocking in at 9.1 on the Richter scale. And that earthquake generated a major tsunami which damaged most of the coastline of southeast Asia. So now this earthquake now in Japan clocking in at 8.8 or 8.9 actually makes it the 4th largest earthquake in recorded history. But it is still an extremely large earthquake and most certainly the largest earthquake that has ever been recorded in Japan. And this is significant in itself, as Japan is a very very earthquake prone zone. Japan gets an earthquake on an average of every 10 years folks, so they are kind of used to earthquakes. And for them to have one this size it is a very significant event and it's all the more devastating because of the populated area in which the earthquake occurred. The damage from this earthquake is absolute, folks. If you haven’t seen much of the footage, which I imagine many of you have by now, the scale of damage is absolute. It truly is shocking. And the danger that we are now seeing with the nuclear meltdowns that are happening in Japan is a very serious situation for the entire globe.

Unfortunately, nuclear catastrophes such as we have seen occur in Japan, though naturally they do have a very significant local impact, it is certainly not a problem that is localized to Japan, simply due to the nature of the problem. And what we have seen unfold in Japan since this earthquake and what we are continuing to see unfold even as I record this radio show, these are problems that are global issues, folks. They are something that effects you and me and every single living thing on this planet, due to the nature of the problem. In fact, building nuclear power plants anywhere, while knowing full well these type of problems are what you can expect from them, but at least knowing that if there is a problem it's usually going to be an extremely bad one, the question comes to mind, “What are these people thinking?” Because looking at the problems that we can face from nuclear plants, and there is no justification for building them anywhere. What you get from a nuclear power plant compared to what it may do if it goes out of just...there is no excuse for building these. And building these power plants on fault lines, as we have seen in Japan, is really something that defies all logical or intellectual analysis. It can only be the act of an impaired mentality or possibly the act of a psychopathic mentality that is planning for a global event such as the one we have just seen.

Honestly folks, to put 55 nuclear reactors in an area the size of California on the conjunction of 4 major tectonic plates and the most seismically active area on Earth, well it goes far beyond negligence, and I really believe that we may be seeing the act of a very very sick and twisted mind at work here, because you could not write a better recipe for global disaster.

We can now return to the original question which was, “Do I think HAARP was involved?” And as I said earlier and as I mentioned during the radio interview the other day, I was very much on the fence and unsure whether it would have been HAARP induced earthquake simply because of the magnitude of the quake, because most HAARP quakes are around 6.4 on the Richter scale. When you look at the whole thing and you look at the placement of these nuclear reactors and then you realize that just creating one on this particular series of fault lines would probably induce an earthquake that was much bigger than a normal HAARP earthquake anyway, then it does become likely that it could have well been induced by HAARP. Well, it becomes possible anyway.

Though of course there are other things to consider. We do have an extremely active sun at the moment. We are seeing a lot of sunspot activity which is generating all sorts of trouble here on Earth. We are also experiencing what is known as a super moon at the moment. The moon is currently in a position where it's the closest it's ever been to Earth for the last 18.6 years. We have one of these occur every 18.6 years, but it's been a particularly interesting one this time simply because we have this major sunspot activity happening at the same time as we are having this super moon occur. And it could well be that the combination of this sunspot activity and the close proximity of the moon is what's causing these earthquakes; the earthquake that we've seen in Christchurch, the earthquake that we've seen in Japan.

I mean, it's always fun for some people and it always can be a good outlet for emotion for people to want to point the finger at someone else. Point the finger at HAARP and say, “They did it. They brought this on.” But without any real evidence, it's very difficult to point the finger at anybody, because obviously there are a large amount of contributing factors that could all possibly have triggered this seismic activity that we've seen, not the least of which is the sunspot activity and the close proximity of the moon.

And there are also concerns that what we are seeing may be a precursor to movement on the other side of the Pacific Rim as well, which would suggest the possibility of an earthquake along the west coast of the United States. I'm not saying that's going to happen, but it is of course a concern simply because the other earthquakes that we've just witnessed, which have all been quite large, they are all happening in the edges of the Pacific plate. So it is not unreasonable to assume that we may see activity all around the Pacific plate. One of the largest faults on that plate is of course the San Andreas fault that runs through California.

So, very interesting times indeed, folks. Very interesting times indeed.

One of the most dramatic problems that we've seen come out of Japan is as I have mentioned earlier, the nuclear situation. Whether there is a lot of hype around this as some people believe, whether it's a lot worse than the media is telling us, or whether it's not as bad as the media is telling us, is all of course open for debate. However, my intuition tells me that as we watch the situation unfold further, we are going to find out that it is actually a lot worse than what we've been told. And I think the plants have probably been in a state of some type of meltdown ever since the tsunami occurred. I mean, once a cooling system fails at a nuclear power plant, it only actually takes about 90 minutes for the fuel rods to start to deform and meltdown begins about 2 hours after the cooling system fails. And the fact that the Japanese are now pumping raw sea water into their reactors in an attempt to cool them, clearly demonstrates to me that they've lost control of these plants. This is the first time raw sea water has ever been pumped directly into a nuclear power plant in an attempt to cool it. Of course, we have seen problems with the explosion of the reactor, simply because they have been using sea water to pump in there. Once you pump water in folks, you have pipes in the reactor that are made of zirconium.

I am certainly no expert on nuclear reactors or metallurgy, but I was reading somewhere the other day that apparently heated zirconium when mixed with sea water creates hydrogen. So of course we see hydrogen reactions, essentially mini hydrogen bombs exploding in the casing of the reactors, which is what we've seen when the roofs have blown off. When we see these large explosions happening in the reactors when the roof of the outer casing blows away. This is due to hydrogen explosions which is caused directly because sea water is being pumped in there, because the whole cooling systems appear to have failed. I mean, the exposed fuel rods themselves, once they're exposed to the air, they naturally produce hydrogen anyway, so you've got that compounding with the use of zirconium pipes and now sea water within the plants. You see, pumping sea water in there, this effectively destroys the nuclear power plant. So just to see the Japanese pumping raw sea water in there, shows just how stricken these plants actually are. And desperate measures are being employed in an attempt..a futile attempt to contain the damage within these plants, which are obviously in a runaway state and are completely out of control.

You've got to imagine folks, as a tsunami and an earthquake being through here, many of the pipes have probably ruptured and even the backup generator systems, these were located in basement areas around the nuclear power plants. So there has been no way to keep the cooling systems functional. They can bring in backup diesel generators and they can bring in battery power; all these things that they want to to try and keep these cooling systems going, but remember as I said before, all the rods have to do is to be exposed for 90 minutes and they begin to distort. And after 2 hours a meltdown begins. Even if it's only a partial meltdown, it starts at that point. So in the case of damage to the cooling system of a nuclear reactor, you only actually have about a 90 minute window, 2 hours maximum with which to fix the problem, and to reestablish adequate cooling and make sure the rods aren't exposed. So I believe what we are going to see will be very likely the meltdown of 6 reactors in Japan. I mean, that's a worst case scenario and I hope it's not true. I hope that I'm wrong. I think we're going to see probably a meltdown in at least 1 or 2, but I would not be surprised if there is a meltdown in 6 of the reactors in Japan. I was actually saying that to someone a few days ago that I believe we are going to see a meltdown in 6 reactors, and that's certainly is the way it appears to be looking the further down the track we get.

I don’t wish to put fear into anyone or spread any fear, but it is very concerning that at least one of these reactors, I believe reactor 3 at the Fukushima plant, is actually powered with plutonium, which is far more toxic than uranium. It's a fuel that's called mox. It's kind of a mixture of all sorts of stuff. It's like plutonium and uranium and even depleted uranium. It's quite a dirty fuel, but they use it because it apparently burns hotter. And it is far more toxic than uranium. The plants are bigger than the Chernobyl plant and we know the damage that Chernobyl did to the surrounding area.

And folks, if even we have a meltdown in two of these plants, the local winds are going to do a lot of damage to the entire country of Japan, because it's only a small country. If we have 6 meltdown, this will be the end of Japan. There will be no more exports by Japan. None of the products that we purchase from Japan, which is many of our cars, computer parts. A lot of stuff is made in Japan. I believe it is the second largest economy in the world. And if this is a worst case scenario, then we won't see any more of that. It will be the end of Japan as we know it. Japan will be reduced to the state of a third world country, or possibly even worse if this does develop into a worst case scenario.

And I mentioned earlier that this whole scenario almost looks like the work of a very sick and twisted mind. And in order to explain that statement and to take it a little bit further, what we need to do is we need to look at the nature of the reactors, where they came from and follow the money, essentially. It's always a good idea to follow the money in any of these situations, folks. And when we do, what we find is the names Westinghouse and General Electric. And finding those names, what we essentially find is the names of J.P. Morgan and Rockefeller.

Now there is an article I have posted on the Crow House by a geoscientist by the name of Leuren Moret. I was hoping to actually have her on the show this week, but she is extremely busy at the moment, so I will probably be having her on the show next week to discuss this whole situation. But in that article, and you can find it on the Crow House. It's an article entitled Japans Deadly Game of Nuclear Roulette, as I said, written in 2004 by Leuren Moret. And she basically predicts this whole scenario. She looks at the question of what Japan would do if there was a major earthquake or tsunami at any of these nuclear power plants. And she basically states openly that there seems to be no contingency plan in place and that what we have in Japan by building all these nuclear reactors in such a seismically active area on the conjunction of 4 tectonic plates as I have mentioned, she says this is basically an accident waiting to happen, and it's not a case of 'if' there will be a nuclear accident in Japan, it's a case of 'when' there will be an accident. And she says that of all the places in the world not to have a put a large amount of nuclear reactors, Japan has to be pretty well near the top of the list. And she basically opens the article with that statement.

So we have to look at who's really behind all of this. The westernization of Japan, the industrialization of Japan, the selling of these nuclear power plant designs, designed by Westinghouse and General Electric, putting them all here on a fault line; it's almost like it's been set up to happen. I was speaking to Lorraine about it the other day actually, and she calls is disaster capitalism, which is possibly a very apt name. And even if this quake was largely natural, it would not be unreasonable to assume that they might just have to give it a little nudge with HAARP just to help it along. Because as I mentioned earlier, once you actually start a quake in an area as active as Japan, then who knows what you may be able to create? And the quake itself wasn't exactly on the fault line, it was actually a little bit to the east of the fault line. So that's another telling point.

I've actually got a friend who just got back from Japan. He left Japan 4 days before the quake and tsunami hit the place. I was asking him if he noticed anything unusual, and he said there was a feeling there. There was a feeling that there was something big about to happen and he felt that he should get out of the country. He said that he looked up in the sky at night, 4 days before the quake, and there was a red glow in the sky. And he said to me that, “Well, sometimes they burn lights on the hills in Japan, and they put this glow into the sky, but I'm looking at this red glow and I'm thinking, well that is not where the hills are. This appears to be somewhere completely different. Why is the sky glowing red?” And he thought it would be best to leave Japan, so he flew out 4 days before the event and he has arrived safely home to tell the story.

But as I said folks, we can look at it. I mean, was it caused by HAARP? Well, it could have been. Was HAARP simply used to maybe give it a little nudge so that it happened anyway? Could have been. Or is it simply a natural event that is happening because of the close proximity of the moon and the elevated solar activity that we are currently seeing? Could be. It's very difficult to tell. And we can probably get into endless debates about it, or we could on the other hand, look to see what is truly important about this; and that is the steps that we now take to address the situation we are now facing simply because the event has happened, regardless of who is responsible.

And folks, we need to do this on all levels, not just because there is some major earthquake, there's a major nuclear disaster happening. Because we are not facing only nuclear disaster, we are facing economic disaster. We are facing social disaster. We are facing disaster with wars and chaos every day. The situation that's been unfolding in the Middle East is absolutely atrocious. Things are happening all over the world because of the leadership of this planet, and because of the role that society seems to have taken at the hands of this leadership. The rampant nationalism we see amongst nations; the resorting of people to violence within their nations. I mean, I'd like to see peaceful non-compliance. I've often said that. I mean, sure folks, have a revolution. Stage a revolution, but have a peaceful revolution. If the authorities or the military or anyone comes in an attempt to break up the revolution, then absolutely exert as much force as you may need to repel the attack, but don't go on the offensive. Simply stand there and say, “We're changing things now. We are asking you to step down. We are going to come in and going to install honest government. We are just going to peacefully walk in there and you can leave. We're only ever going to ever exercise enough force to repel whatever it is the government throws at us.”

I mean sure, I can admit this probably sounds like some sort of a pipe dream to people, but we'd be able to do it, folks. We simply need the strength of numbers in order to be able to pull it off. And the worse they make it, then the more people wake up. And people are waking up. And eventually it will get to the point where this is simply what we do because we have no choice. So what is important to do between now and then is to build strength in your communities so that as people do wake up they've got someone to turn to and you got someone to turn to. I mean, sure it's a dream that we could stand up and do this tomorrow. We couldn’t because we don’t have the strength of numbers, but we have a lot more people than we might imagine; it's just that everybody is separated. They are all out there, but waiting for someone to start dong this. And as I said, eventually we are going to be left with no choice. So the best thing you can do between now and then is build strength in your community. And support your community. When you see people within your community being prosecuted by corrupt legislation. Stand up for them. Go and get involved, because you can make a difference just by choosing to be involved. I mean, even if you are a peaceful Christian and you are the most exceptional form of pacifist, even Christ said in the Bible that there will come a time when you must sell your robes and buy swords. And we should never forget that sometimes this is what needs to be done. But having a sword does not mean aggression. It's simply a form of deterrent, a form of self-defense, a means of exercising the force that you need to repel any attempt to dissipate the will of the people.

It is truly the will of the people that needs to come to power in the world, because as I have very often said, all of the problems that we face on the planet are due to the leadership that we have on the planet. Well, they are due to the leadership and they are due to the system the leadership supports and perpetuates.

The instance we have seen in Japan; whether it's a natural event that has caused this huge damage from a tsunami and this nuclear meltdown that we're seeing, it's still due to bad leadership, because the nuclear power plants should never have been put there in the first place. And the only reason Japan was ever even westernized was because western forces forced their way in there and they tricked Japan into leaving nature behind and to becoming an industrialized nation.

Whether global warming is a reality, which I don't believe it is. Climate change? Of course there is climate change. Climates have always changed. Have been for 4 billion years and will continue for 4 billion years at least. Man-made climate change? No. Not a reality. But even if it was, why would this be occurring? It would be occurring because of bad leadership that allowed the perpetuation of corrupt corporate practices.

Starvation and famine in the world. Why do we see starvation and famine in the world? It's because of bad leadership. It's because of their support for a corrupt monetary system, the purpose of which is to enslave the world to dept and to place people in a state of shortage. It's due to the mono-cropping that our leadership allows. The genetic manipulation of food that our leadership allows.

The wars that we see around our planet are due to our leadership supporting the stealing of resources and the bombing of foreign nations in our name. The drug problems that we see. The human trafficking that we see. This is because of corrupt leadership that allows these things to be perpetuated. That allows the perpetuation of a system where such things can be even perpetuated. Most of which I would suggest, are due to a lack of peoples understanding of reality due to the corrupt education system that our governments again themselves perpetuate.

Every single problem that we face comes from this source. It all comes from leadership. So that is the source of the problems. But then the question becomes, why is this allowed to perpetuate? And that is because 'we the people' allow this system to remain in place, thereby allowing these problems to be perpetuated and to compound into what we are now seeing.

So ultimately the issue lies with us. The issue lies with the people realizing who and what they are. Realizing that we are all wonderful beautiful powerful beings and that the people that live next door to you, the people that you hate down the road – these are exactly the same as you. And the only reason that you have any differences with them at all is because of the education system that you have been subject to, because of the state of shortage you have been placed in by this system and by your government that allows the perpetuation of this system. It's because all of these compounding reasons, and most people are not even aware of these in their lives that have molded their perception of reality right up to the present day.

And I firmly believe that all it would take would be for humanity to simply stop and look around them and see people for what they really are. Just step outside of the matrix for a day, for an hour, even for a minute. Just step outside of the matrix, look around you and see reality for what it truly is. It's not about stuff. It's not about the collection of trinkets. It's not about global tension. It's not about fear. It's not about the world situation. It's about people. Its about people and the planet that we live on. That's reality. It's not about living under this rigid system of rules. It's about knowing that the only allegiance that you truly owe to anything is the allegiance that you owe to the creator. That's it. And anything that attempts to get between you and the creator is invalid. You are only answerable to God and to your conscience.

The governments themselves claim to get their power from God, because their rules come fthrough the monarchy and the monarchy claims it is their divine right to rule, because they have simply claimed their divine right to rule themselves. No one else has claimed theirs and so we've kind of agreed for these people to rule us.

But I do claim my divine right to rule myself. I am allowed to religious freedom within the legal system that has been put in place by this corrupt system. And my religious freedom allows me to interpret the one true God, the creator of all things, in my own way. And I interpret that God as divine, from which stems the divine law that governs all of reality, and my own allegiance is to that divine law. And that is the law of the divine trust that I have with the creator. I will never break my divine preeminent trust to the creator and I will always live my life in a state of service to the creation for the creator. That is the only law that I know, and it's the only law that I will follow, because that is my divine trust and that is one true law of all creation.

And living in the acknowledgment of that divine preeminence trust puts me in a position where I am simply not able to hurt another person. And even if I am ever put in a position where I need to defend myself, I will never do so as an act of aggression towards another person. I will never do anything to profit from another person. I will never do anything to do another person that which I would not have done to me, because to do so would be to break my divine preeminent trust with my creator. And that is the only trust that I have and it is the only law that I acknowledge.

Well, I think it's about time for a break here, folks. so I'll leave it there for now. Thank you for spending this time with me today. And I will return to you and speak to you again in a few minutes. Thank you for listening.

Welcome back, folks. Now before the break I was talking about how all of the problems that we face come from a single source, which is government, and that the reason that this situation continues is ultimately because of 'we the people', because we allow this government to do what it is doing. We allow all of our governments to do what they are doing. And folks, we do this because we have forgotten the position that governments actually play in our societies and in our lives. We have been taught to believe that our governments actually rule us, but they don't folks. Our governments are employed by us to act as our administrative arm. We need government to provide us with such things as basic infrastructure – roads, schools, a good education systems, healthy food, cheap housing. All of the things that the government seems to be grossly inept at actually providing for us with any degree of quality, I might add. But that is what we actually employ them to do. They are our administrative arm to ensure that the country runs smoothy. But through our corrupt education system, through the brainwashing we've experienced through the media and through the generally social accepted pecking order that we get to believe is real, we have accepted these governments as our rulers. But they are not, folks. They only have the power that we grant to them. I have spoken to you about this before. The governments have the power that we the people grant to them. We entrust them with that power and we are the beneficiaries of that power we grant to them. So the governments are essentially the trustees of the power that we give them. And simply due to the fact that these governments are now enacting legislation that effectively restricts and enslaves humanity; they are claiming things like pollution and global warming as the reason for doing this, and yet they are allowing the corporations that actually create these problems to continue to do what they are doing.

So they are doing this sort of stuff, and they are creating an extremely brutal police force. We are seeing how the police of modern times act like the gestapo and Nazis. Just by simple observation, one can see that the main job of modern police is not one of protecting society or preventing crime, but is actually the job of enforcing law, no matter how corrupt the law may be that they are enforcing. They simply enforce law and they defend elitist corruption. They certainly don't address crime, because if they did address actual crime, then our governments would not be getting away with what they are doing and the police would not be acting in the way they act. I mean, certainly they do have to put up with some brutal circumstances. They get called to car accidents and all sorts of stuff that what we actually employ them to do. But as far as brutalizing and terrorizing society and enforcing corrupt legislation upon human beings, they too very much operate in breach of trust as they only get their power from the governments that we entrust power to. So everything these governments are doing; all the power that we have entrusted to them is being misused, and these governments are constantly operating in breach of trust. So we need to address this. This is one of the biggest problems that we face, and nobody seems to be looking at things from this perspective. But that's the way we need to look at it. Now I know I've gone about this before, but it does need pointing out again.

I actually went to a movie presentation last night. It was quite interesting. It had all the different methods we could use to build a better housing, ways to have gardens all through rooftops and all sorts of stuff. All really good ideas. But it failed to mention the fact that these are simply good ideas, but they are not things you can actually put in practice because of government. The government won't allow you to put these things in practice. There are many places all through New York where they government won't allow people to put rooftop gardens in. And you can go and buy a property somewhere, but as soon as you try to attempt to build something like a cob house or an ecodome or an earthship, you find that there are council regulations and building codes to prevent you from doing these types of things. They are great ideas and they are great novelties to build one on your property as long as you don't want to live in it or actually use it, because the government that is in place will not allow you to do so.

So what we need is a work around for problems like that. And of course, the solution to that problem is to build community and build community awareness, because one person will never be able to stand up against the system alone. But if the entire community sees the system for what it is and bans together to make a better world, and makes that community work as a whole and work as one, then that will empower communities around you and it will spread out to other communities. So you need to have this grass roots movement happening to get these initiative happening and get these ecodomes and these rooftop gardens and all these things going, but you need to be able to stand together against the councils and against the governments and re-inform the governments that they are actually our administrative arm and that we know what is best for us. We don't actually need governing; we simply need honest people to manage the infrastructure for us. That's what we employ them to do, and they are forgetting that's what their place in society is.

So that's how you have to address these things, folks. You can look at all of these alternative ways of doing things, and that's all very good, and all of these methods need to be employed, but you also need to address the problem that has created the need for you to implement these alternate measures. Because if man was left to be free and if things were done properly to begin with, we wouldn't need to be employing any of these measures. We would be free to do what needs to be done without the hindrance of corrupt legislation that prevents humanity from being humanity and serves only to empower corporations and the controllers of the monetary system.

Very few of these films ever address the money supply. And the money supply is truly the head of the snake, folks. The first thing we need to do to improve society at all is to take the interest off money. That's the first step. There is no point in trying to do anything within the constraints of the monetary system that currently enslaves this planet to debt. And that's exactly what it is designed to do, folks. The money system is designed to milk the wealth of the planet and transfer it into the hands of those who issue the money. That's what it was designed to do, and that is in fact its sole function. And just having this basic understanding of the money supply gives society the ability to be able to appraise its politicians using this yardstick. Because quite obviously, any politician who is in power who refuses to address the situation of the monetary system is unfit to hold that position. It's as simple as that. There is no gray area there, folks. And I would suggest, and I have said it before, that any politician who has not yet spoken out against this interest based money supply is either a criminal who works for international banking cartel or is too stupid to hold the position that they currently hold. Or perhaps simply, they are badly educated and can only operate in a state of left brain. But whatever it is, they are simply not fit to hold that position, because by holding the position they hold and failing to address the damage that he has done by this interest based money supply, then they are and can be nothing else than part of the problem. Lets face it folks, they are always part of the problem and all they do is create problems.

It seems like a nice little situation they've cooked up in Libya as well. While everybody is distracted with Japan, the United States, France and England started to declare a no fly zone over Libya while also flying in there and bombing Libya themselves. So according to them its a no fly zone, only they are allowed to fly and they are going to go in and bomb the country under the pretext of getting rid of Gaddafi. They are going to go and bomb the country to save the civilians the way they did in Iraq. They turned Iraq into a cesspool and an obliterated, bombed out graveyard and caused the death of over 1.6 million people so far, in order to save them from tyranny. This is of course wonderful western logic, only the leaders of the western world can come up with logic like this, folks. This is of course logical fallacy – we are going to go in and bomb the country in order to keep it safe. Amazing. And people just seem to fall for it. The media presents it and cooks it up and puts a nice little ribbon on it and promotes it to the world and everybody just cuts a slice and swallows it. It's amazing. And that just seems to be the way the world is these days. So yes, very interesting times indeed, folks.

On today’s show, I've tried to bring you information again simply from my perspective. That's all I can really offer you on any of the shows. Looking at the Japan situation, I've simply tried to look at all of the data. I'm no nuclear expert, folks. I don't pretend to be a nuclear expert. I've had to do a bit of a crash course in nuclear reactors in the last week just to try to understand what's going on myself. Admittedly there has been a lot of fear campaigning with this situation in Japan. But it is a very serious situation and it is definitely one to be concerned about. Not one to in fear of, but it's definitely something to be concerned about.

Now do I believe America is going to experience a large amount of active fallout? Doubtful. Doubtful that America will receive any major fallout because of the distance the country is away from Japan. But America is certainly going to get some of the fallout. There is no question about that, simply because of the jet stream. And where this radiation falls back to Earth will be determined upon the local weather systems. It will be determined upon things like precipitation. Obviously one of the easiest ways for it to come back to Earth is through rain. And so all of these things need to be taken in to account, but certainly there is going to be some amount of radiation reach America. There is going to be some amount of radiation reach Europe. In fact, the entire northern hemisphere will feel the effects of what is happening in Japan. Every country will feel it to a greater or lesser degree. But of course, the people who are going to feel it the most are the Japanese. It's very unlikely that northern Japan will be a habitable area after this event. And if the event does turn into a worst case scenario and we see 6 meltdowns in Japan, then I believe it may be virtually the end of the country. I don't think Japan will recover from such a thing, simply because as I said earlier, these are very large reactors and they have the potential to cause a great deal of damage. And ultimately, what I see this as being is a huge wake up call for humanity.

Folks, there is no safe nuclear energy. There is nothing safe about nuclear energy at all. The only reason it is even being considered safe is because it doesn't produce greenhouse gases. The deadly CO2. And folks, CO2 is not deadly. CO2 is one of the building blocks of life. At the presentation I was at last night with the film that I mentioned earlier, someone was saying they'd like to build a society that has a zero carbon footprint; bring carbon emissions down to zero. And I thought, a zero carbon footprint will kill everything, because the world needs carbon. It's one of the 3 building blocks of life. I don't believe man-made global warming to be an issue at all. I don't believe that man has anything to do with the climate change. I don't believe that it is man that is melting the polar caps on Mars or causing a raise in temperature on Jupiter. I think that the culprit in all of these matters is the sun. I think the sun is going through a particularly active cycle at the moment and it is heating up the entire solar system. And I think it's happening everywhere, folks. I think that it's probably even happening outside of our solar system. I believe the energy itself that creates all matter; the energetic universe itself is rising in frequency. As frequencies rise, things get warmer. That's how it goes.

And I think this event in Japan could serve as a huge wake up call for people. It really is time that we put the world back on the right track. It really is time that we realized what is going on. It really is time that we looked at this whole money based structure that we've created; well, that's been created for us, and realize that it's all fictional. It's this dependence upon this interest based system and putting a dollar value on everything that has created this situation that we are now facing. And it is an opportunity, folks. It is an opportunity for humanity to wake up to itself. And we seriously need to do it, folks. Because if we don't, then we are going to continue the decline in our species that we are now seeing. And it is a decline, folks.

Things such as the Venus Project aren't going to save it. We don't need a resource based economy. We don't even need to pull a quarter of the resources out of the planet that we do. We don't need to do anything the way we do. It's just messed up. It really is. The one thing that does disturb me about the Venus Project is I simply don't see where people fit into it. It's just a machine. The whole city looks like a machine. It looks like Agenda 21 to be honest. These concentrated pockets of humanity protecting all the resources and basing it's whole economy on the extraction of resources, it just seems like Agenda 21. And something that I find incredibly disturbing about the Venus Project, is the proposition of 50 story towers growing food hydroponically. This will remove all life force from food, because none of it will see the sun. And I won't touch hydroponic food. I never have. I never will. It's chemical food. I mean, it may look nice, but it doesn't contain any life force. So that is one thing that I found to be particularly disturbing about the Venus Project. I mean, should humanity change the path that it's on, absolutely it should. And sure, the Venus Project I'm sure has some merit, but to simply take that design on board as the new society that we need to create, well frankly I couldn't live there, folks and I don't want any part of it. I prefer to be living in a food forest. I prefer to be simply granted a quarter acre block from birth and be able to be free to build my food forest and house on that block, because that would then support me for the rest of my life. I think that would work for most of the world. In fact, I think there are very easy ways out of all the situations that we face if we simply apply a little practicality and common sense.

Well, it's been a pleasure talking to you again today. We're about at the end of the show here. I'm having trouble with PayPal at the moment. They are asking for photo ID and all sorts of things. Even though I had the account going for over 3 years now, they are asking me to confirm my account or they are about to restrict my account, so it looks like the donations will have to stop for a while folks, until I can sort out another way of setting something up, because I'm not going to give PayPal any photo ID. I'm simply not going to comply with their wishes. There are no photographs of me online. I'm certainly not going to send a photograph to an online company that I have never met anybody in in the company. I don't have any photographs of them, so I don't see why they should have any photographs of me.

So the struggle does continue, folks. And it is a struggle for just about all of us. I am definitely struggling. The powers that be are definitely taking steps to try to close me down. The website has been getting hacked again. The difficulty that I am now experiencing with PayPal. Blah, blah, blah, there are all sort of things. They try lots of methods. But I will get back to you in another week and let you know where that stands. In the meantime, if anybody would like to make a donation, donations can now be made by mail, and you can send any donations to help to:

PO Box 1803
Byron Bay,
New South Wales,
Australia 2481

And that will just have to remain the website's source of income for the moment until I can sort out this PayPal situation.

And thank you for the support that you have all shown me in the past. It has been very very gratifying and is truly the only thing that has kept the website and the radio shows and the films and all of the things that I do coming. It's the only thing that has provided any stability for the site at all.

In fact folks, I opened the CrowHouse and put everything up there for free as an experiment to see if there was any heart left in humanity. I truly believed that if I put myself in a position of unconditional giving, and if I was in my heart and if the information that I was giving to people was my truth and was valuable and was helpful information, then the Universe would give back. And the Universe would ensure that I was looked after, and would ensure that I was able to continue putting out this information. And you have all proved me to be correct. You have all proved to me what a difference can be made to this world simply by putting yourself in a state of service to the creation and simply by treating others as if they are yourself. I've done it all for you. I've done it all for the people of the world.

I feel a great empathy for everybody, folks. I feel a huge empathy for what's happening in Japan. I honestly feel connected to everybody on the planet without exception. I even feel connected to the rulers of our planet; the psychopathic elites who are doing all of this terrible stuff. I don't hate them, folks. I simply think they are polarized, and I believe that what they are doing is providing us with opportunities.

So thank you all very much for proving me to be correct in my assertions about how energy is reciprocated when energy that's given is pure.

So that is about it for me today, folks. Thank you very much for spending this time with me today. It's been a pleasure, as it always is. Please take care in this troubled period that humanity finds itself in. And I will look forward to speaking to you next week.

In Lak'ech.