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A Time for Unity
American Voice Radio - 01/07/11

Transcribed by Liz Patton

“The poverty of our century is unlike that of any other. It is not, as poverty was before, the result of natural scarcity, but of a set of priorities imposed upon the rest of the world by the rich. Consequently, the modern poor are not pitied but are written off as trash. The twentieth-century consumer economy has produced the first culture for which a beggar is a reminder of nothing.”

And that quote comes from John Berger.

Welcome to Surviving the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Maxwell Igan. It's a pleasure to be with you once again. And I will be your host for the next hour.

Well strange times in the world of 2011, folks. Here we are only one week into 2011, and already we have experienced some of the strangest occurrences we have ever seen. We have had quite literally thousands of dead birds fall from the sky in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Jersey, Arizona, Japan and also in Sweden. We've had massive amounts of dead fish wash up on the shores in Arkansas, Maryland, in South Wales in the UK. We've had millions wash up on the shore in Brazil. Hundreds of thousands in Italy. Hundreds of snapper washed up on the shore in New Zealand. The global weather patterns have been nothing like we have ever seen before. We have extremely severe cold fronts moving in all through the northern reaches of the planet. Here in Australia we've had some of the most bizarre weather I've ever seen. It's the middle of summer here in Australia at the moment and I'm sitting around in track suit pants and a tee-shirt, when usually at this time of the year I should be in shorts with a fan on me 24 hours a day, because we normally have very hot summers here. But we are having an extremely cool summer, while at the same time a good deal of the country is experiencing some of the worst flooding we have quite literally ever seen. The floods we are seeing in Queensland, Australia at the moment are almost of biblical proportion. I am not kidding folks. It is very, very wet here. The town that I lived in before where I am now is virtually underwater. My son still lives up there. Fortunately he is fine where he lives. The floods have not touched that area of town, so that is one consultation for me at least. But it is no consultation knowing that there is still a good deal of rain to come. It is only the very beginning of the Australian wet season, and we have large monsoonal troughs moving this way as I speak. It’s quite wet here in Byron Bay at the moment. It's been raining here for almost ever, folks. I think we must have had 250 wet days in the last year. It's been raining solidly here for the last 3 or 4 weeks. The only 2 days that we actually had recently that were rain free was New Years Eve and the day before New Years Eve. So at least people did get to celebrate the birth of the new year, and then it was back to the gum boots and raincoats.

The animals are doing strange things around here as well. Something that I noticed and that the friends of mine in the country have noticed is that the hierarchy amongst the birds seems to have changed. Driving to a friends place the other day there were 3 tawny frogmouths sitting on his driveway. As I left I had to steer the car around them. It's very unusual to see these birds simply sitting n the driveway looking disoriented. Many of the birds seem disoriented in the area. Many of the fruit trees are having trouble producing. Many people that I know who grow vegetable gardens say that the gardens are also in an extremely poor condition this year, quite possibly due to the overabundance of rain that they have received. But also I would suggest because the seasons are simply out of whack. This is nothing like anything I have ever seen before in my 53 years of life.

There is a great deal of speculation as to what is causing all of the bizarre weather patterns and things that we are seeing. There is speculation that it might be due to the Deep Water Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the effect that has had on the great ocean conveyor, which of course is quite possible. There is also the possibility that the earth as started shifting on its axis, which is also quite possible. But all I can do is speculate on either of those two points. I can't offer you any solid information, because I simply don't know, as I feel it would be irresponsible to simply make a blanket statement.

Suffice to say that this situation in the world today is certainly not what one would term as normal. But then on the other hand, what is normal? We are all expecting some type of major shift through this period, and I would suggest that the beginning of this shift is what we are now experiencing. And I think it's very important for people to maintain their energetic state through this period. In fact, I believe that is the most important thing people can do.

One interesting thing about natural disasters is that they do very often serve to bring the community together and unite people who would otherwise disregard each other. So perhaps that is simply what needs to happen. Perhaps this is the way global unity and common unity in the community may be at last achieved. One should never doubt the universes ability to bring about that which is most necessary for the survival of the species, regardless of how catastrophic things may at first appear. And so as disastrous as many of these events may seem to be, one should never fail to recognize the opportunities that such events provide us with.

You see, it just depends on how you look at things, folks. I see all of the bad stuff that's going on in the world. I see all the bad things the governments are doing, the really weird environmental stuff that's going on. And while it's all quite concerning and it's quite disturbing in many ways, when I look at it holistically, I think that it's all perfect, because one of our purposes here is to learn about cause and effect. And what we are seeing manifesting in the world today is the effect of our actions. It's the effect of our collective failure to take responsibility for ourselves. You see, all of the things that are going on in the world, all of the bad things that we refer to, that I refer to on many of these shows and that many alternative news personalities bring to you; all of these things that are happening are the direct result of us allowing them to happen. They are a direct result of the people of the world failing to take responsibility for what is going on in the world. Our collective failure to do anything about the problem. Because as so many hundreds of people have indicated to us in the past, all it actually takes for evil to be perpetuated is for good people to look on and to do nothing. All it takes is for the citizens of the earth to see any particular problem and decide that it doesn't concern them, and to turn a blind eye. That's all it takes, folks. And that's all its taken to turn the world into what we now see unfolding so clearly before us.

You see, it’s all about balance, folks. It’s all about balance. We can't simply lay all the blame on the powers that be for the problems that we face, because the powers that be would never have gotten away with doing what they've done were it not for our acquiescence to their actions. So we can't simply complain about the situation we are facing in the world and expect someone else to fix it. We have to fix it ourselves. And the way we fix it is by uniting as one species and standing up and not complying with the system. The most powerful tools we have at our disposal are truly civil disobedience and lawful rebellion. And these two options can really only be successful if people stand up en masse. We really do need the strength of numbers to make it work at all. And the best way to gain this strength of numbers and the best way to wake people up and to get people to stand up, is to stand up yourself. People need to follow their heart and the best way to convince people to follow their heart and to influence them into following their heart is to follow their own. We really must lead by example.

Now a little earlier in the show I was talking about everything that is going on in the world, and I mentioned that natural disasters tend to bring the human race together. Now that is assuming that everything we are facing in the world today is in fact a natural disaster, because there is another possibility. And that is that there is the possibility that none of the natural disasters birds dying off is natural. And with that statement one may ask the question, “How could they be unnatural?” Well, the thing is that the HAARP facility in Alaska is very capable of producing all of the effects that we’ve seen. It's very capable of killing massive amounts of birds, massive amounts of fish, and of course in global weather disruptions. Various governments around the world have been participating in geoengineering. They have been participating in weather modification.

Just last year or the year before, there was a huge blizzard; the worst snow storm in China’s history. And the Chinese government admitted that they had been trying to seed clouds to bring rain to the country, and they overdid it a little bit and subjected the country to the worst snowstorm in its history. But they admitted that it was them. They admitted that it was a government exercise that brought about this disaster. So there is absolutely no question whether weather manipulation is possible, because we already know that it is. So that must be considered a possibility. It is quite possible that all of this has been manipulated to bring about a situation where more laws, and more control, and more subjugation of the people can be implemented. Nothing would surprise me with these governments, folks. Every time they have reached a level where you don't believe they can stoop any lower, they always manage to reset the bar to a new level of low one would never expect is achievable. I mean, you certainly have to give them 10 points for consistency, folks.

Even with everything that we are facing in the world - all of the so called natural disasters that are occurring, all of the bird falls and amounts of fish that are dying off; what do we see from the government? We see the introduction of a new spy drone that’s going to be used to spy on the citizens of the United States. I imagine that they will be used over here, they’ll probably be used here and in all countries, folks. These are spy planes that will be used to spy on the citizens of the country, of course in the name of homeland security and national security. You’ve got to understand what national security and security of the homeland means to these people. What it means is the protection of the criminals within government. What it means is keeping tabs on anybody who is about to speak out and expose the criminality that is running our world. Because as I have so often said, these governments promote the concept of homeland security as meaning the security of the government. And the biggest threat to the security of the homeland is in their eyes, the exposure of the criminality that exists within government. And so that should be a little bit of a sign for people. I mean, it really should send alarm bells in the minds of anybody who is able to think.  

I also hear that the government is about to implement or is implementing blood tests for drivers, as well. Folks, you are going to have police officers jabbing a needle in your arm and taking a blood sample. I mean, it truly makes the Spanish Inquisition and Nazi Germany pale into insignificance, and all in the name of keeping you safe. In order to keep you safe they are going to have planes spying on you 24 hours a day, and are going to be taking blood samples to make you safe from yourself.

These sociopathic morons, you really have to wonder. I can’t help wondering about the mentality of the police officers that are implementing these regulations. That are actually out there on the street doing this. How brain dead must these people be? How brainwashed? I mean, one must speculate that these police officers must have single digit IQs. I honestly don't know how anybody can support this type of activity and believe that they were doing so in the name of freedom. It literally defies analysis.

And truly one of the biggest problems that the people of the world face is the brainwashed state of the people that are currently employed within law enforcement. We have pseudo gestapo agencies such as the TSA springing up. Folks, you got to stop complying with these people. I tell you, if I was to go to an airport in the United States. Well first of all there is no way I would walk through the microwave zapper, because these things are incredibly damaging to your DNA, plus they are also able to obtain your biometric signature through these devices. So I wouldn’t go through the line, but I would make it very clear that if I am sexually assaulted then I will defend myself, then I will also press charges against the deviant who sexually assaulted me. Sure you can pat me down as long as you don't touch me between the neck and the knee, because that is sexual assault. And if you do touch my private parts then I will retaliate with all the force that I am able to muster, and then I will put you up on sexual assault charges. I'd make that very clear that I do intend to press charges against being sexually assaulted, should I be sexually assaulted by any member of the government or any member of some pseudo gestapo agency pretending to be part of the government, such as the TSA.

I mean, you really do have to stand your ground with these people, folks. There is no good in complaining about the airport scanners if you are going to participate in them. There is no point in complaining about the TSA if you are going to allow yourself to be humiliated by them. You've simply got to say “No, I will not comply. You have no right to sexually assault me. And if you do, I will press charges regardless of which corrupt legislation has been put in place. I'm not going to do it because that law is void. It's no law and therefore is entitled to no obedience.”

All of these laws folks are just legislation. They are statutes. They're not law. Law is common law. Anything else is not law. It is simply squiggly lines put on pieces of paper by men with sociopathic tendencies whose main aim is to remove your rights and to make you more and more subservient. So I would suggest that you don't go along with it, folks. People who do go along with these actions by the TSA and who don't retaliate and who don't stand up for their rights, well they really have nothing to complain about, because these situations have only arisen and have been able to continue because of their acquiescence.

I'm not saying create a scene. I'm not saying become abusive. I'm not saying anything like that. I'm simply suggesting that you stand up for your rights, that you be firm and that you come into your power, that you understand that you are a citizen of the country and therefore you are a holder of the original jurisdiction over the government. As I have often said, it is the citizens who employ the government to act on our behalf. The government is merely the administrative arm of the citizens. The citizens simply have to realize this and they simply have to exercise the power that they inherently have. You see, rights are only valid if people choose to exercise those rights, folks. And failure to exercise those rights means that you eventually lose them.

Now on a different topic: On the show last week I was talking about a lot of messages I’d got from people who were saying they were out of their energy. They were suffering writers block. They were feeling uncreative. There were people who were having stressful relationships. Many people lately are seeming to find themselves within a state of internal turmoil. And this is truly a global phenomenon, folks. It’s been happening all round the world. I've received emails from people from all walks of life and from almost every location on the planet that have been saying these same things. That they're really having trouble with connection lately. Many people feeling lethargic. Many people feeling apathetic. Many people are just feeling disconnected. They are having difficulty understanding why. I've had people come to visit me to talk about these very same issues, to say that they've been having trouble. Even with the people at work. Maybe they are around a whole bunch of stressed out people and they find themselves getting stressed out by the end of the day. They find it very hard to maintain their energy levels.

This is very understandable, because when you are around people you tend to resonate at their frequency. You tend to resonate in harmony with people that you are around. That's why it’s good to try and be around positive people all the time. If you are around someone who is depressed or someone who is angry, then you find that you do start resonating with that energy. You go to visit these people and by the time the visit is over you feel like you’ve done a days work. You leave the persons house and you think, “Oh my God I feel so drained from simply being there.” That’s because you started resonating at their energetic rate. You see, we do this, folks. We resonate in harmony with our environment. Then we take that resonance on with us and we carry it through the rest of the day and we find that we’re projecting that into the field, so that is what we attract. You attract what you project.

Now what I’ve found is that when these sorts of situations happen. When you do start feeling disconnected, obviously it’s an electromagnetic thing. Whether it’s being done deliberately by HAARP. Whether it is simply the way the earth is resonating now. Whether it is simply a solar cycle. Whether the earth is changing frequency. Whatever it is folks, creating this electromagnetic interference, what is important to understand is that, what you are experiencing is a disconnection from source and a misconception of what reality is. Most people around you are disconnected from source. Most people within society have no idea of their relationship to the universe. And most people are in the emotional state they are in because of a misconception of reality. If you understand what reality is, then there is really no reason to be stressed out about anything, because everything is absolutely perfect, because this is simply how it happened. And what we are here for is the experience, the experience is cause and effect, and what we are currently experiencing throughout the world, as I said before, is a direct result of what we have done as a species; of what we have allowed to happen around us. We can change it anytime we want. All we have to do is stand up and do it. The way to do that is to lead by example. Stand up and do it yourself. You can stand up and address this situation. Do it peacefully. Do it eloquently. Simply say, “No. Sorry, but I am a holder of the original jurisdiction. I am not going to get upset. I am not prepared to speak to you in legalese and any of this legal talk. I am only prepared to speak to you as a human being. And that’s the way I’m going to deal with the situation.”
And I’m sure that you’re going to find that there are alot of people out there in the world who feel the same way. There are alot of people that want to stand up to this system, but no one is prepared to take the first step. Now you can have public meetings where you simply sit around and talk the way I am talking to you now. Just explain things to people. And do it calmly. Do it eloquently. Don’t do it from fear. I mean, just put the cards on the table. Ask questions like, “Why do we have to pay to be alive? Why do we have to spend our lives collecting paper?” Why do we have a government who we elect to act on our behalf suddenly putting all of these rules and laws and spy planes and all of these things in place and messing with the food, genetically modifying the entire environment? Why are we allowing these people to do this?”

If you look at the world 100 years ago and you look at the world now, there is a huge difference, folks. People might perceive the world has improved since 100 years ago and might say things like, “Look at the advances in medicine. We’ve got all these gadgets that we didn’t have before, (not that they help the world or the human consciousness) and we’ve got all these cures for diseases that we didn’t have before.” But what they don’t understand is we didn’t have those diseases before either. The state of the human race and the state of the planet has very much deteriorated in the last 100 years. So it’s pretty obvious that the governments aren’t acting on our behalf. And when you look at it holistically, it’s also due to our acquiescence of these governments. We have forgotten that we elect these people as our administrative arm. We elect these people to act in our best interests. To act in the best interests of the planet. They’re not doing so, folks. And all I have to do is say, “Exhibit A, the earth. Look at this and you can see that there is a problem. Look at the state of the earth, look at the state of the human race.” And this is happened because we have allowed our governments to do this. So I think we need to address that issue.

I was going to talk about energy. I’ve seemed to have gotten a little off track here, folks. And I do want to talk about some of the things that people are feeling and some of the methods that you might try to reconnect yourself. Again folks, I’d like to stress throughout this show and all my shows, what I offer you on these broadcasts is my perspective. That’s all I have to give you is my perspective. I can tell you what works for me, and I humbly offer it to you to see if it may help you and may work for you.

But I think its time for a break now folks, so I have to come back to that topic in the next half of the show. We’ll go and have a break now and I’ll speak to you again in a few minutes. Thank you very much for listening.

Welcome back, folks. It is quite stormy here at the moment too I must warn you. So if you hear any strange rain squalls or thunder or anything weird in the background, then it may just be a storm coming over. It is quite wet here where I live today.

Now before the break, I was talking about energy and the fact that people are having trouble staying connected these days. I was suggesting that what they are experiencing is actually a misconception of reality. I was also explaining how we resonate with other people. We resonate with other energies when we are around other energies. When we are around negative people we start resonating in a negative energy. This is simply how it works. Of course, very often people purposefully do this, because many people are what one would term energy vampires or psychic vampires. Often they are this way without even being consciously aware that they are harvesting energy off of other people. This is simply the way many people live their lives by default, because many people have been trained to live their lives in this way.

Now at this point I think it is important for everybody to understand where I get my perception of reality from. Some people who have listened to my material, who have listened to the message I have tried to convey in all these radio shows have said, “This guy is New Age. What he is talking about is New Age beliefs.” And this is not true, folks. Anybody who has listened to a good deal of my stuff probably knows that I am actually quite critical of the entire New Age movement.

I have an understanding of reality that I have gained through meditation. I often have meditations and then I go and research the experiences that I’ve had in meditation. And I find scientific proof. I find proof in quantum physics. I find proof in brain scientists discussing the plasticity of the brain. I find scientists such as Bruce Lipton talking about the structure of the cell membranes, and things like this. I find that there is evidence around the place that backs up everything that I have experienced within during a state of meditation. And that’s where alot of my information comes from. It truly does, folks. I find it in meditation first and then I research it. Of course, this is different than the years I spent researching bloodlines and the New World Order and the banking cartels and all of this sort of stuff. I mean, that's obviously done through books, research and walking the hard miles.

What I am talking about here is energy and the understanding I have about the universe and reality and how I interface and deal with reality around me, and why I live my life in a state of constant fascination. I truly do folks. I live every day in a state of fascination. I even find it fascinating that people can get depressed and can be depressed. I empathize with them for their depression, but find it fascinating. Often what I find is that many of these people are bringing about these experiences themselves, because as I said, we resonate with the surrounding field and we attract what we project. So if you are in a state where you are feeling depressed and sad, you find that you are projecting that into the energy field around you, and the energy field will mirror that back to you and will keep you in a depressed state.

Now another thing you can try, and something that I know has worked for me. Perhaps you are in a work situation where everybody around you in the office is stressed out and you are starting to respond to that energy. You are starting to resonate in harmony with that stressful energy, and you are starting to get really stressed and finding it hard to maintain your energy levels. Now what you’ll find in this type of a situation is, these people that are stressed out all around you are in that stressed state because they are disconnected. They have a misconception of reality, and they are projecting their perception of reality on to you and you are subconsciously choosing to take that reality on board as part of your reality. And we all tend to do this. It’s almost like a reflex action. On an energetic level, what you would perceive here is that the emotion that people are putting into their heart is projecting an electromagnetic field into the field around you and you are drawing from that field into yourself. So you are now resonating with that energy and now projecting that reality yourself. And as I said, you are essentially taking their concept of reality on board yourself. You see, the energy they are putting into the field has served to disconnect you from source and now you are simply feeding off the energy field in the room; the energy field that you have immediate access to.

Now what I do in such situations is, I project love onto the people into the room around me. I look at them and I realize that they are disconnected. And I project the energy of love on them through my heart. And simply by doing this I find that the more love I project to them without them even knowing it, then the more I get reconnected with source. Because when you are projecting an energy of pure love to anything, then it reconnects you with source. And the more energy you give out, then the more clean energy you receive from source. And that's how I do it. That’s how I handle those situations. If you do this, you can find sometimes that you may come out of a stressful situation actually feeling empowered, because you have given so much love energy out to the people in the room. And you will often find that by doing this, you can change the whole energetic state of the room. You can do this without uttering a word, folks. You do it simply by controlling the emotions that you are projecting through your heart.

Now I’ve often said that every time you feel a strong emotion. Every time you experience depression. Every time you experience heartache. When you experience anger. When you experience frustration. All of these emotions which may be considered negative; fear and other emotions such as this. All of these experiences, I percieve them as opportunities for growth. If something is making me depressed I wonder why I attracted that to myself and I wonder what the lesson is in that. Why should I suddenly feel disconnected from reality? Why should I suddenly feel that what someone else has done or what trepidations I have about myself, why should I feel depressed about these things? Why should I see that emotion as valid? Why would I want to have that as part of my life? And every time I’ve analyzed my depression. Every time I’ve analyzed my anger, every time I have analyzed every negative emotion that I am having, what it has always come down to is a misconception of reality. Because I truly believe all of these experiences to be opportunities. That’s why even when I look at all the negativity in the world today, I can look at it as negative as it is and say that it is perfect because it is now providing the human race with the slap in the face that the human race needs to wake up out of the collective sleep that we are in. In many ways I see it as almost necessary because were this opportunity not provided to us, then we may never wake up. Of course it would probably be a lot more desirable if we did not find ourselves in this situation to begin with, but again, we are in this situation because of cause and effect, and this is a direct result of our failure to take responsibility for ourselves earlier. So perhaps we need the push that our current situation is providing us with.

I am here on this earth at this particular time in order to experience the frequency of consciousness that is known as Max Igan. And I, like every other soul in projection will reach enlightenment. Will return to source. The path that each of us takes to get to that source to return to that from which we came is a different path and each is a path that is unique to that frequency of consciousness. Ultimately there is only one place to go and that is to return to source. Therefore everything that happens in my life is perfect. Everything that happens in my life needs to happen for me to reach the place that I am inevitably going to anyway no matter which path I take. The path through this life provides me with opportunities all along the way and I have the free will as to what I do with these opportunities. Whether I embrace these opportunities. Whether I ignore these opportunities. Whether I simply indulge in the physical or whether I prepare myself for that which comes after the physical, because the physical is a very short ride, folks. And beyond the physical there is eternity. That's much longer, and I think its best to prepare for that transition.

So one might now ask, “Well if you are resigned to this life being what it is and believing that everything in your life is perfect to get you where you go, then why bother speaking out against the New World Order? Why speak out against the approaching police state? Why attempt to wake up other people?”  And the reason I do do these things is imply because I care.

Through  meditation I have gained the understanding that all people on earth are simply reflections of myself. All people that exist on earth are just as important as me. We are literally all each other. Hence the Mayan greeting that I use at the end of each show “In Lak’ech” (I am another yourself). While there is one person suffering on this planet, I am suffering. While there is one person in a state of hardship on this planet, I am in a state of hardship. While there is one person being repressed by another, then I am not free. And alternately, while there is another person oppressing another, then I am oppressing someone else. And I am doing so by my failure to act against  that consciousness that is oppressing another, because failure to act is silent acquiescence, and that is saying that is okay in my world. That is okay for you to repress another.

Well, its not okay folks. I wish to live in a reality where all people are free, where all people are equal and where human consciousness and the planet are free to evolve naturally to their highest possible potential. What I see around me is a group of energies and a group of frequencies that are literally harvesting the energy of 90% of the human race, and that’s just not okay in my reality. And as I have often said, all it takes for the perpetuation of evil is for good people to do nothing. And why would you do nothing?

You see this is one of the major problems I have with the New Age movement is the fact that they do nothing. They do plenty in the realm of the spiritual, but they are out of balance because they don’t apply it to the physical. They will sit there in a state of love and light and try to project that energy into the field and go to healing after healing after healing and yet never seem to be healed, but they simply won’t address that which is going on in the world around them. They will not project their love into the physical, and yet they are having a physical experience.

Why wouldn’t you deal with what is happening in the physical when it would be so easy to heal it if you simply gave it your attention? The only reason one would not deal with the physical folks, is if one is in a state of fear. Whether these people believe they are in a state of constant love or not, the fact remains that they are ignoring that what exists in the physical and they are doing so because of their fear of facing it. By their silent acquiescence and their failure to act they are saying this is okay to happen in my reality. As this is I said, because of fear. Their fear of facing the shadow within themselves, but also the shadow of the collective unconscious. Were they to put away this fear and simply face the shadow, it could be healed very quickly. That’s why I speak out the way I do. That’s why I speak out from the center of love. Even when I speak about those who carry out the atrocities to which I constantly refer, I still refer to these people from a center of love. I believe these people need healing more than they need hurting.

I don’t hate the perpetrators of these atrocities that are being carried out against the human race. I don’t hate our leaders, but I am certainly not going to comply with them. That’s not who I am. I care about the human race too much to comply with them. And that’s the way it is. That’s the reason that I am here.  

All of the problems that we face on the planet, you can see how it’s manifesting on the planet now. If you can perceive this entire reality to be a projection of the collective unconscious of the human race, then it is no wonder the planet is now going through the devastation that we are now seeing all around us. The bizarre whether, the dying off of species. All of the things that are happening in our world are quite literally being caused by our lack of responsibility and our lack of connection. By our complete disregard for our environment. And all we have to do to fix all of these problems is to embrace the frequency of love and connect with each other. I know that sounds corny, but if you really sit down and think about it folks, that’s all it would take. That's truly all it would take. And the earth herself is now providing us with the opportunity for us to do just that. Whether its being caused by natural circumstances, whether it’s being caused by HAARP, either way it’s an opportunity for the human race to unite and reestablish the connection that we have to each other with  the universe around us. The connection I believe we have simply forgotten exists.

Now it would certainly seem just in this first week of the new year that we are certainly heading for some earth changes. Whether these changes are due to polar shifts or natural disasters or the Gulf of Mexico oil spill or HAARP or whatever, is kind of irrelevant in the higher scheme of things. What is important to perceive is that we are certainly heading for some changes. Now I believe that maintaining your energy through these changes is the most important thing of all. And this goes for no matter what the change will be. Whether it is simply going to be another global cataclysm. Whether it’s a transition to a higher consciousness. Whether it’s a sliding into a police state.  All of these things can be handled by being in the correct energetic state. When you approach the police state. When you approach the guards, the TSA, the government, all of these people, simply do so from a center of love. Do so in your power. I mean, I’m not saying comply with them and be all lovey dovey and think they won’t hurt you. They probably will. And if you are forced to defend yourself, then absolutely do so. I would, but I wouldn’t do so out of hatred for the perpetrators. I do so because it is necessary. It needs to be done. I do so because I love and care about the human race. And if I don’t attempt to lead by example and stand for freedom, then I can’t honestly expect anybody else to stand for freedom either.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if people simply made sure that during their life they improved the lives of those around them? If everybody did this, if everybody was given the understanding that real success is to make someone elses life better because you are alive. If everybody simply followed the one law and did this for one day. If everybody simply made the lives of someone else better for one day, we could change reality. Because once you work to improve the lives of everybody around you, and everybody around you is improving the lives of everybody around them, I believe it would serve to awaken a great many people who are asleep. It would be like a wave of consciousness around the planet. One day of global non-compliance to the system and of helping those around you, connecting with the human race. If we did this, I truly believe that we could change the world in one day. Because I believe that once we did this for one day and experienced the joy that it would bring, I really don’t think we would ever turn back. I think we would realize how fictional the system we have surrendered our control to is, and I think it would simply keep going.

I know that perhaps I am simply some sort of hopeless romantic or some type of idealist who dreams of the impossible. And yet when I look at it and see how easy it would be to fix all of the problems that we face, I simply can’t help but keep going. I can’t help but speak out. I can’t help but bring the message to you, no matter how absurd many of you think it is.

There have been so many people throughout history; there have been so many great teachers from all religions, all faiths, so many great philosophers, so many hundreds of people all through history who have all told the human race to embrace the power of love and to follow the path of the heart. And folks, every single one of these people is absolutely correct. It is really, truly that easy to change the world.

Everybody looks for the path to their own spiritual enlightenment, their own personal glory, their own personal enlightenment. They go to healings, they go to whatever. They put themselves in a state of love and light, but they fail to apply it to the physical. They fail to apply it to those around them. Very many people that I know, very many people that I meet who claim to be in a state of non-duality and a state of spiritual enlightenment still fails to give, still anthropomorphizes love and fails to follow the path of the heart. And yet all great teachers and all great leaders through history have stated very clearly that changing reality is really that simple. And the only reason it hasn’t been achieved as yet folks, is because this is a collective consciousness and you can’t ignore that which is in the physical. You can’t ignore the other frequencies. It simply doesn’t work that way. In order to change this reality, in order to change this consciousness, you have to face the shadow that exists within the collective unconscious.

Well, we seem to be getting close to the end of the show again here, folks. I know I tend to babble on sometimes when I come in here unprepared and just sort of go off on these esoteric tangents. So I thank you very much for putting up with my musings and meanderings.

I truly do believe though,  with all my heart, the way to change reality is to connect with those around you. To give to other people. And to love the human race. To love the planet. To love your enemies. Simply put that energy into the field. Everybody. Imagine if the police started doing this. Imagine if the police started caring about people and acting in empathy in everything they did. This is what needs to be done.

I’ve often said to people, the fabric that makes up all of reality is compassion, and your interface with that fabric is empathy. Simply having that basic understanding alone can completely change your reality. I am living proof that it works, folks. Everything in my life always just works out. It’s all perfect. It’s all designed to make me who I am. And I speak out because that is the reality I want. I want a reality where people are awake. I want a reality where people are free and empowered. I’m not interested in little lines written on pieces of paper. I am interested in people. I am interested in the earth. I am interested in the universe. I am interested in the freedom of the universe to express itself. I’m interested in self responsibly. And all of these things can be achieved through the power of love. It really is that simple. And that’s why I do what I do, folks.

Sure, we can change reality, but we have to participate in order to effect change. Change will never come if people are not going to participate. We can talk about it. You can meditate about it. You can intend it. But unless you participate, you will never change anything. And if you don’t stand up for your rights and you don’t stand up in love and help those around you and stand up and defy authority in the name of love, then all you are doing is simply offering lip service. And as they say, actions speak much louder than words.

Again folks, it has to be done non-violently. Simply come into your power. Don’t be in a state of fear. Talk eloquently. Treat the people you are talking to like human beings. Treat them with respect, but be firm, be eloquent and know who you are, and know the power that you have. Most importantly, be in a center of love. Understand that the person who is confronting you is confronting you because they too are disconnected. They too have a misconception of reality. All these brain dead police officers, they have no idea what reality is about. Most of the politicians have no idea what reality is about. People in the military most certainly have no idea what reality is about. And you can’t blame these people for the perception that they have, folks. They only have this perception because they have been trained to have this perception.

We’ve all been trained in our perception of reality since birth, through our scholastic and educational system, social system, through our business system. Through our entire civilized structure, we are taught a particular version of reality. And those who don't comply or who question these teachings are ostracized by their peers. And we are in turn taught to ostracize those peers who do not agree with our perception of reality. You see the educational system is merely a system of social indoctrination. It is most certainly not designed to educate, but rather to indoctrinate. And I think we can do much better than that folks, but we simply have to come into our power to make that happen.

Well, that’s about it for me today, folks. Thank you for putting up with my mindless babble again today. I know I’ve probably gone off on several tangents from what it was I talking about at the start of the show. But you get that, folks. I’m sure many of you are used to hearing me go off on these mindless banters anyway.

Well, that's it for me, folks. I am going to have to sign off now. It’s been a pleasure talking to you again. I look forward to speaking to you again next week. Take care until then.

In Lak’ech.