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S-510 and the Money Changers
American Voice Radio - 12/03/2010

Transcribed by Liz Patton


“Manipulators rarely advise you to seek new and diverse information, or to learn and research for yourself. It tends to be safer for exploitative and irresponsible leaders to keep their citizens in the dark. In their view, less independent thought is better. Independent thought leads to an inquiring mind. A mindset that eventually leads to the questioning of authority figures. And that is the one thing that inadequate leaders do not want. When a leader discourages questioning of his or her leadership style, actions and motivations, that is a sign that they have something to hide. That they might not be worthy of the public’s trust. A responsive leader welcomes and encourages questions from the citizens that have entrusted them with their safety, economic stability and their confidence that a certain level of civility in society will be constant. Responsive leaders would be appalled, disappointed and disgusted if the public did not question such factors.” That quote comes from Teresa Stover.

Welcome to Surviving the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Maxwell Igan. It's a pleasure to be with you once again, and I will be your host for the next hour.

Well folks, it's good to see that we actually have some good news this week in the form of the controversial Food Safety Modernization Act (Bill S-510) which now appears to be dead in the water. Folks, for a minute there I thought that this was going to be one of the final nails in the coffin when I heard that the bill had been passed by the Senate with a vote of 73-25. But it turns out that now that the bill has been sent on to the House of Representatives for approval, it appears that the House of Representatives has singled out Section 107 of the bill because it contains a revenue raising provision, and such a provision has been deemed by the House of Representatives as being unconstitutional, as in the American legal system all bills for raising revenue must originate from the House of Representatives. So it would appear that because the Senate has violated the funding origination clause, the House has implemented a procedure known as blue slipping. This will effectively block the bill, keeping it out of consideration and sending it back to the Senate. And the only possible quick fix that exists for this would come in the form of a unanimous consent agreement in the Senate to strike out that revenue raising provision, but there is one Senator, Senator Tom Coburn who has already stated that he will oppose the bill, so anonymity will be impossible. So this means that the bill may effectively be squashed, but of course it will be reintroduced next year, but it will take a very different form from the current one.

So that really is good news. And that is a victory for freedom, a victory for what is good and right and wholesome in the world. Very refreshing, folks. Very refreshing to see that it has been squashed, though it is of course very disturbing that it managed to pass the Senate with a vote of 73-25, as this would appear to indicate that there are 73 people in the Senate who really don’t care about the people of their country. But that is another matter. The good part is that it has been squashed for now.

It is of course kind of fascinating that it was a tax provision that was deemed unconstitutional, and that’s what squashed the bill, when the whole bill is unconstitutional. In fact, from what I can gather, almost everything the American government has done in recent times is unconstitutional. The act itself is unconstitutional. The search at airports by the TSA are unconstitutional. The police stopping people at road blocks and having road checks is unconstitutional. The fact that the government claims it now owns all water is unconstitutional. Everything the American government does is unconstitutional, so it's kind of ironic that they would not see removing the peoples rights to grow food as being unconstitutional, but the fact that the bill contained a tax provision is kind of splitting hairs a little bit folks. But I probably shouldn’t get started on that topic. I could sit here and rant about it for hours.

It does make me wonder however how much the American people are prepared to take. It really does. I mean, what we are seeing with the attempted introduction of a bill such as S-510 is truly a loss of America. Everything that makes America, America seems to be being removed from the people. The government has long since ceased to act in the best interest of the people. I mean, many of the people in the positions of power in America are blatant sociopaths. I mean, just look at the most recent head of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano who appears to be very much cast from the same mold as her psychotic predecessor Michael Chertoff in as much as she is also one of the biggest enemies that the people of the United States have ever faced. One of the biggest domestic enemies of the Constitution the country has every faced. And these sort of people very much need to be removed from office. I mean, Homeland Security should be disbanded anyway. The similarities between Americas Department of Homeland Security and Adolf Hitlers Department of Fatherland Security are of course way too obvious to be casualty dismissed by anybody with a functioning brain.

On last weeks show when I was talking about the fact that there is no real money in circulation the current global debt that is owed to the IMF and World Bank is actually fictional debt. It doesn’t really exist. In response to that show, I had a few emails from people, and a few conversations with people who were asking me to explain how money is created, where money comes from. And I'd like to touch on that a little bit today, actually. And to do so, I can really think of no better way of explaining it than to read a short passage to you from a book that was written by a fiend of mine called Thomas Anderson. The book is called Classified -The book Governments and Bankers Don't Want You to See. I'll just read you a short passage from that, which does a very good job of explaining what happens when you go and take out a loan. What Thomas says in the book here is:

“Since there is no lawful money, gold or silver in circulation backed by anything of value, the governments and the banks as well as you and I are essentially bankrupt. The little pieces of paper circulating in place of money affectionately called currency, are in reality debt notes and worthless. What usually happens in a loan situation, is that the borrower is established, being the all capitals legal fiction person (the Strawman) and then the principal creditor for the Strawman, namely you, enters into a loan contract with the bank with the assumption that the bank is going to give you some of its money for which service you agree to pay them back over a period of time plus interest. However, what really happens is that the bank monetizes your instrument, the contract with your signature and turns it into a credit in its books essentially a bookkeeping entry as a liability. A liability means that it owes you something. And it uses this newly created credit on its account, which is no more than ones and zeros on a computer, to then create a check or deposit as fictional digits into your account. So if you created the money, then why do you have to pay back a loan if they never loaned you anything? Exactly.”

I couldn’t have said it better than that, folks. And that very much sums up exactly what happens when you go to the bank to take out a loan. So you see, you didn't actually enter into a contract with the bank. What you did was you created a promissory note with your signature on it. For a start, in order for it to even be a valid contract, it would need to be two signatures, being your signature and the signature of the bank. But it doesn’t bear two signatures, it only bears your signature. So you have essentially gone into the bank and you have created a promissory note. You’ve created paper money to the value of whatever you signed the promissory note to be. It might be $50,000 or $100,000 or whatever. Then the bank takes that promissory note from you and they change it into their paper so that you now have their paper; the debt notes that we pass around in our society. And because you are using their paper, they trick you into giving it all back to them. But really it is your money. They didn't create it, you did.

And this works virtually the same for governments, only instead of the governments creating a promissory note in the form of a so-called contract, what they do is they use their own paper. They get pieces of paper and they put fancy little decorations on them and they call them government bonds. Then they take them over to the bank and they exchange them for the banks paper and the bank again charges them interest for using the banks paper. For all intense and purposes, we could be passing government bonds around to each other. But we don't. We use the paper that is issued by the banksters and that costs money. Alot of money. This was the significance as I mentioned last week of Christ overturning the tables of the money changers. And notice the term used in that confrontation. Money changers. It's not bankers, it's money changers. You see, Christ wasn't worried about things like fractional reserve banking; he was concerned that the money changers were changing money into their paper and forcing people to use their paper, which effectively launders all of that money back into the possession of the bankers plus interest, because they attach interest to their paper. And the only thing that’s ever produced of course is the principal. The interest never exists. It's never put into circulation. Therefore impossible to pay back. This is what keeps society always at each others throats. Always looking for ways to profit from each other in order to find that money to pay off their interest. But even so, the interest can never be repayed because money is created as debt and only the principal is ever created. So essentially, if everybody tried to pay off every dollar that they owe on every bill that they owe, there would be absolutely no money in circulation and the country would still be in debt, because as I said, the interest never exists.

But essentially what I am attempting to say the is, the people create the money themselves when they create a loan. There is no loan from the bank. There never was any loan from the bank. They are simply changing your paper into their paper and then laundering all of the money that you created back into their possession. There lies the inerrant evil of the money changers.

As I said last week folks, this system of laundering people's promissory notes into their own possession and attaching interest to the very money itself is one of the most corrupt, one of the cruelest and one of the most evil crimes that has ever been perpetrated upon the human race. It is this manipulation of the economic system that has kept people in a constant state of hardship, has caused people to work their entire lives simply in a vain attempt to keep their head above an endless ocean of self-generating debt, only to find at the end of their lives they have virtually nothing to show for it. Has been responsible for starting countless wars. Has reduced countries to the state of the third world. And and has been responsible for the death of quite literally millions upon millions of innocent people.

And if that were not bad enough, one of the most disturbing parts about the entire situation is that these facts are well known and that this system of financially slavery is promoted by our governments simply by their failure to ever address the issue. Its' also a very clear indication of who these governments actually work for, and folks, it's certainly not the people.

The monetary system is truly one of the most misunderstood and most taken for granted institutions in our entire society. Money is something that we all use every day, and yet very few people ever really take the time to think about where this stuff actually comes from and what gives it value. In fact, it really is surprising how taken for granted money is. I suppose it's simply because of the familiarity of the stuff. It's just there and we just accept that it exists and that it has value. But as I said, the question is, 'where does it come from? How does it come into being, and how come there is so much of it in circulation?' There never used to be that much money in circulation, so where did it all come from? That is the question. And as I just explained to you, where it all comes from is the people create it when they take out loans.

I mean, can you really stop and grasp it and see how insidious this money changer scam is. People create money themselves when they go to the bank and fill out promissory notes, but the bank forces them to use the banks paper and charges them money for using their paper. Then people take this paper and they go out and buy all sorts of possessions, houses and land and all of this stuff, then they have to pay for it four or five times over because they are using the banks paper. And as more and more people take out loans and buy more things and create more money, they put more paper in circulation so everybody's paper is suddenly worth less than it was. And all of this paper that has been issued by the bank into circulation, all has interest attached to it, but there was only ever the principal that was created. The interest was never created, so the interest doesn’t exist. There is this huge interest debt floating around society that can never be payed. So by design this system eventually implodes, because there isn't enough money in circulation to ever pay off the bills. So it starts at the bottom, but eventually right up the food chain everybody defaults on their loans and all the wealth gets transferred into hands of the money changers. This is how it works. It's a scam to control all global wealth through the control of money. As Mayer Amschel Rothchild said, “I care not which puppet sits upon the throne of England. The man who controls England is the man who controls the money supply, and I control the money supply.” And these are words to give careful consideration to folks, because the human race really does need to wake up to how much it's being scammed by a small money cartel.

And you see folks, this is why non-compliance is so important. When you understand how the system works. When you really step back and look at it, it's absolutely ridiculous that people go along with it. As Andrew Jackson said, “If people ever understood the rank injustice of the banking and monetary system, there would be a revolution before morning.” We don't need a revolution, we need an evolution of consciousness. We need people to change their way of thinking. We need for people understand these issues and simply stop complying with it.

You see, when I talk about how corrupt this system is and the need to change it, you have to understand I am not talking about bringing down governments. I’m not interested in throwing down governments. I am simply interested in implementing honest government. Obviously we need some form of government. We need some group of elders, some council, something that is going to look after infrastructure and make sure we've got roads, the garbage is picked up and trains run on time. But we don't need government who insist on allowing the population to be enslaved to this ridiculous monetary situation. It's absolutely absurd.

Folks, if we took the interest off money; if we mandated that our governments implemented a honest monetary system and the government produced money rather than borrowing it from the reserve bank and they distributed this money to the population interest free, then things would cost about 1/18 of what they do now. You could go back to having a family life where dad works and mom stays home and looks after the kids. And you would have more than enough money to get by. In fact, you could have one parent working a three or four day week and still have enough money to buy a house and get by quite comfortably, if you took the interest off money, and governments coined money and controlled its value themselves, as they have the legal right to do. But they don't do that. They borrow it from a private bank. So if you ever had any doubt about who these politicians actually work for, that action alone speaks volumes.

Now, I talk about all of these sorts of things on the radio show. I talk about the corrupt monetary system, these corrupt politicians and all of the things that are going on in the world. But I do it not to instill fear within people, or to incite anger. The reason I do it is I wish for people to see the opportunity in having this knowledge provides for them. Because even knowing what's going on with the banking system; once you know what's going on, then it becomes opportunity to free yourselves from the clutches of this system. I mean, let's face it folks, once you actually know how it works, why on earth would anyone want to participate in such a system? It's just completely ridiculous. And so with that in mind, I feel that it's very important that people become aware of this information. I think it's very important for people to understand the realities of the war on terror. I mean, simply to gain an understanding of how the world is actually run, I think it's important for people to understand how the world is run, because that knowledge provides you with the opportunity to fix the problem. And the way to fix it is to simply stop complying with it. No violence. No guns. No riots. We don't need any of those things. All we need is non-compliance. And as I have often said, the best way to stop complying with the system is to follow the one law. To do whats right. To do the right thing in all that you do. Help your neighbors. Do the right thing. Help the lives of those around you.

I mean, it just sounds to simple for most people, and there are others who might think, oh this guy is just saying if you become a good Samaritan you're gonna change the world. But it's not like that folks. It's understanding the symbiotic relationship that we all have with each other. And understanding that there is no division amongst any of us. It's only our societies that have trained us to feel divided. And if we can put away that division and start helping our communities, start helping everybody around us, then the whole system breaks down. Because the whole system is designed to train people to do the opposite. So you've got to ask yourself, why? If the system has been constructed in such a way as to create massive division among people, then obviously the best way to escape from the system is to create unity among the people. This is exactly the opposite of what the system wants people to do. When you begin to understand the power of unity, the power of common unity in community, then it becomes very apparent why they would seek to divide the people. “Divide and conquer” is the motto after all.

I mean, I know that I go on about this all the time folks, but I do it because the way to fix the world is so simple that it just beggars belief that we haven't done it already. Though of course, the reason we haven't is due to what we've been lead to believe what reality is. Unfortunately the vast majority of people in our societies have been heavily indoctrinated by the educational system and are very set within their belief system. Many people simply can't see the matrix that is modern society. The fictitious illusional paper based world that most people live within. It's a very strange thing to see. Of course, once you are awake to how the world is run, it becomes very difficult to ever go back to sleep again. Especially when I said the way to fix all of the worlds problems becomes so simple, once you are awake to what the problems are and what the obstacles are to addressing these issues. And folks, what the problem is is division and what the obstacle is to addressing that division is fear. It's the division within our society that allows individuals within our society to be terrorized. It's this division that allows raw food stores to be raided by police. That allows organic cheese farmers to have their livelihood confiscated from them because it doesn't meet with FDA approval. And breaking down division and finding common unity in community would alleviate all of these problems. When a community saw someone being terrorized by the police and they would stand up and help the person and they would neutralize the situation. In fact, in a truly united community we wouldn't see police acting in this way to begin with. Breaking down the fear in community would also help the community stand up against the action of corrupt politicians when legislation is enacted interferes with the rights of the people or oppresses the people in any way or damages the environment in any way, the people could stand up, again neutralize the situation. This never happens because of the division within society and society continues to remain divided, because the people that live within society have been trained to live in fear of both themselves and of the people around them.

And it looks like it's break time here folks. I'll leave it there for now. Thank you very much for spending this time with me today, and I'll speak to you again in a few minutes. Thanks for listening.

Welcome back, folks. When you can get your head around everything that I've told you in this first half of the show, regarding the money changers, it becomes very apparent how important it is that this situation is addressed. How important that it is that we change this system. And as I said, there is no need to overthrow governments or anything like that, we just need to tidy them up a little bit. We need to hold the people within government accountable for their actions. For example, we need to be very wary of politicians who enact laws that protect themselves from prosecution, as we often see happening. There is no reason why a president should not be arrested. There is no reason why a prime minister should not be arrested. If these people have done the wrong thing, then they have done the wrong thing. It's as simple as that. There shouldn't be any sort of special protection for these people. And I'm not saying that I wish to arrest any politicians. I mean, I prefer to just give them a slap on the wrist and tell them to go and live in the suburbs, and live on an interest based minimum wage for a while and see how they like it. I don't wish to harm them. I don't wish to harm people like the Rothschild family, even though they have the blood of quite literally millions of people on their hands. I still believe that all of these people can be saved. I don’t wish to harm anybody. It would be nice to see them wake up to realty a little bit, or at least just stop living their lives at the expense of everybody else. But there is no reason to harm them as a means of accomplishing this. What is really needed is for people to understand that the only way that families such as the Rothschild's get away with what they do is because we go along with it. And then again, in understanding that you can't blame the people for going along with it, you've got to understand that is simple why humanity is trained to do, mainly by control of the education system and via manipulation of the media. Obviously, if you can control what people are taught through the scholastic system and you can control what information they receive through control of the media, then you've got the game sewn up. Especially if you also control the money supply and via control of the money supply you also control most of the worlds governments.

Quite a simple system, actually folks when you really look at it. You control those three things. You control money, education and media and that's it. You control all the finances of the world so you control all commerce, you control what people are taught, and you control all the information that they receive. In fact, it's frighteningly simple how to control the world, but now people are beginning to wake up that this system of control does exist, how easy it is for the elite to maintain this system of control, and how easy it would be for humanity to free itself from this corrupt system. And that's a great thing to see, because as I have often said, this really is a time of wonderful opportunity for humanity. Simply because this system of control is becoming to visible to the masses, this now gives humanity the greatest opportunity for real freedom that we have ever had collectively offered to us.

The world is small now. All countries can talk to each other via the internet. I can be sitting here on my computer talking to people in every country in the world all at the same time. And once we do this, it starts to become painfully obvious that there is no division amongst us. That all the divisions are created by governments and those who control the governments and that all of them are illusionary. All of them are fictional. It's just been one big banker controlled scam that's been going on for an extremely long time, and it's been engineered right from the very start to keep the world and the people within the world divided and thereby conquer both the world and its people. And it's a very simple system folks, when you understand the three factors that are needed to run this system. It's not as complicated as everybody thinks. There is just all of these sub groups in place like parliament, like the Senate, people passing paper around to each other all day, which makes it appear to be complex, but ultimately it's not a complex system at all, because you only really have to control three factors of society.

You see that's it folks. Just control those three things. As I have often said, the money system is the head of the snake. The money system keeps people running around chasing this stuff all of the time, so they don't really get to scrutinize what the media is telling them. They don't really get to scrutinize what their children are being taught, and the money itself is something that people simply seem to take for granted. So this is why I've often said that it's pointless going down the rabbit hole to find out who “they” are. To find out who controls the world. To find out who to blame. Because the ones responsible for the world being in the state that it is in are ourselves. We are the ones who permit these systems of control to remain in place. And folks, if we stop complying with these systems of control, then who “they” are will become glaringly apparent in good time just by matter of course. And the time that we spend going down the rabbit hole is time that we do not spend healing the world. When you can see that it is as simple as controlling those three aspects of society, then you begin to see that the way to fix the problems that we face; the way to fix every problem in the world – all of the wars, all of the pollution, the starvation, the homelessness, every single problem that we face within our societies all across the world is unity. Unity of people. All we have to do is realize is that we are all one. It really is that simple. If we can live our lives in compassion and empathy for others, the whole world changes.

And the things that stop us living in this state of empathy and compassion for others are because we are enslaved to the collection of money, we are enslaved to perceived social status, we are fed disinformation from the media, and we are indoctrinated into believing the many fictitious systems of social control that have been put in place are real through a corrupt education system. And folks, if you can just realize that these systems of control are in place, then you are 80% of the way home. You've done most of the work already just by waking up to the fact that these systems of control actually exist, and understanding how simple this system actually is. Do that and most of the battle is won.

I mean, each one of the three main aspects of this system, which I said is control of the money supply, control of the education system and control of the media. Each one in and of itself is a very important aspect of the system. But one of the more insidious really is the educational system. What they have done to remove knowledge from the people. And this is also something that they have done with the English language. This is why they want the English language to be the main language on earth. The English language provides people with a very limited understanding of reality. There are words in other languages that simply don't exist in English. It's very hard to spiritualists to convey their message to people in English, because the words simply don't exist that would be used to explain these higher understandings. These words have been removed from English, or perhaps they never existed within English. But this is the main reason why English is promoted as the main global language, as it does provide you such a limited understanding of reality. Of course, peoples understanding of reality is based on their understanding of language, as most people think in words. So if the words to explain a certain concept simply don't exist, then how is that concept, idea or understanding ever conveyed to another person? And indeed how is the mind even able to think of such concepts if the mind and such words do not exist?

Now, when the significance of this, when the significance of what has been done to the education system and the significance of what it actually means to have removed these words and these understandings from our very language, when the significance of this really begins to sink in, then the true insidiousness of this system becomes very apparent. It becomes easy to see why it has been so simple to enslave people to a corrupt monetary system. Why it has been so easy to convince people to simply swallow the messages delivered to them daily by controlled media. It begins to become obvious to those people who have always wished to be able to access higher realms of spirituality, why they have so much difficulty doing so. Because their understanding of reality, even their understanding of spiritualism is very often based on their understanding of the language, because most people think in words.

Can you see how this works folks, and how truly insidious this is? So couple that with the monetary system. A system that is designed to keep people too busy to ever even consider some of the things that I've just mentioned. They are too busy running around collecting paper in order to simply have a roof over their head and food on the table. They often think that there is something wrong, but they turn on the television and the television always tells them that everything is fine and the government is looking after them. The television just gives them news designed to distract them. Financial news designed to tie people up in figures in a completely fictitious world that simply doesn't exist that way at all. And most people think they are just lucky that they're at home because look at all the terrible stuff that's going on elsewhere in the world, and they just go back to their daily grind.

But now all of these systems are being laid bare. And it's a very good thing that they are. Even when one looks at the current global financial situation and the economic collapse that we're seeing around the world, in many ways this is a very good thing. It may just cause the penny to drop in the minds of a lot of people. Suddenly they might realize, “Hang on a minute. I'm being asked to move out of my house simply because of a paper based system, fiat currency that isn't real, debt notes that people are passing around to each other, money that is actually created by the people and is laundered into the possession of the banks.” People might begin to realize that the reason they are losing their possessions is because the banks make you use their paper and that the governments approve of them doing this. This will hopefully also serve as a very good indication that the main purpose of governments is to control people while all of the assets of the world are laundered into the hands of those who control the governments, namely the international banking cartels.

All of these systems are now being laid bare, and as I’ve often said all of the hardships of the human race is now being faced with because of these systems are providing humanity with the most wonderful opportunity for freedom we have ever had presented to us. And it really is being presented to us on a silver platter. We just need to seize the opportunity. We need to see the opportunity for what it is. And we need to rise to the occasion and embrace this opportunity.

This truly is a wonderful world, folks. And the human race is a miraculous thing in itself. Every person from every race, regardless of color, culture or creed is an absolute wonder of the universe. The beautiful, wondrous source of life and abundance for the human race, the planet that we live on itself is also a miracle of the universe, a miracle of nature, a miracle of God. At this present time in our history, this miracle is out of balance, but it's out of balance simply so that it can re-balance itself. And the instrument available to obtain this balance is human consciousness. When human consciousness learns to balance itself, and learns to live in balance, then it will by default re-balance the surrounding reality. The opportunity for us to achieve this re-balancing now exists. It's an opportunity that the human race never had provided to it before. Never before in history have we been in a situation where we could free the world simply by opening our minds and freeing ourselves within by connecting with those around us. Never before in history have the systems of control been laid as bare as they are now. Should we chose to embrace this opportunity, we could quite literally free the human race and re-balance the entire world. But it's a choice folks. It's a choice whether we embrace the opportunity or not. At this point we could still go either way, and the main reason that we have chosen not to embrace the opportunity so far is because of fear. Because of fear that we may be judged by others. Because of fear that we may be hurt. Ultimately this fear only exists because of a misconception of what reality is. And again, this is due to the training that the human race has received. The human race has been very much trained what to think, what to feel and what to believe. There has been very little independent or creative thought that’s been allowed within the main mass of society within the last few generations.

But just stop and think about it, folks. Stop and think about things like Bill S-510. Think about things like Bill HR-875. Bill 1913. I mean, there are so many things. There are so many systems that have been put in place by our government. Here in Byron Bay a couple of years ago, someone was told by the council they weren't allowed to put a rain water tank up. You aren't allowed to collect water from the sky. You have to buy water from Grass River Water Council. The people who operate within these governments are people just like you and me. And we vote these people into place in order to manage this system for us to ensure that we the people are looked after. And all of these governments, all they do is they prevent the people from being free. They prevent the people from doing normal things that people would do in their lives. They construct every method they can to extract more and more wealth out of the people, to marginalize people, to create homelessness, to prevent people from being able to survive. So you’ve got to ask yourself, why. You've got to really step back and understand the amount of rules and regulations that have been put into place to prevent you from being who and what you are. And try to understand that it's all fiction. It just exists on paper. It's all designed to simply prevent you from ever being a free and independent human being. That’s what the whole system is designed to do, and yet we elect these people to act on our behalf, but they don't. They force us to follow more and more legislation that they impose and it is all designed to funnel wealth and funnel resources into the hands of the international banking cartel that controls every country in the world that has a central bank.

Now folks, you can go down the rabbit hole if you want. You can start pointing fingers if you want. You can blame the Jews, blame the Jesuits, blame the Vatican, blame the Illuminati, blame whoever you want. But don't do it as a way of avoiding responsibility, because the people who are responsible for this situation are us.

Now I've just explained to you how it all works. So you ask yourself from this point on, do you chose to go on with this system? Do you chose to remain enslaved to this cartel? And if the answer to that is no, then start spreading information to people. Start helping people to become aware of how the world is run. Download this radio show and play this to people. But do something, Start making waves and stop complying with this system. There is a myriad of books out there on how the money system works. There is a myriad of books available on how to clear debt. You've just got to be prepared to stand you ground and take the system on. To go to court and speak your mind if necessary. And going to court on your own might be a scary thing, but folks if you wake up the people around you, if you wake up your community and connect with your community, then you won't be going to court alone. You can go to court and you can take 1000 people with you. Take everybody in your community with you, because once everybody is awake to how this system runs, then everybody is going to want go with you.

When you wake up to how this system works. When you wake up to how much the people of the world are being shafted, I mean there really is no choice in the matter. You can't simply go along with it because it's ridiculous. And besides, if you do go along with it then your family, all your descendents and everybody you know is going to end up losing everything they own because that is the way the system is designed. Eventually it will all be owned by the banking cartels. This will be presented as being owned by the state. And this may be perceived by some people as being Fascism or Socialism when the state owns all wealth, but what they fail to see is that the state itself is also owned by these banking cartels. What this is ultimately is Fabian Socialism where we have one class of elites who sit above the entire system and are free from all prosecution and control all resources. And we'll have the worker drones. In between those two classes will be the control mechanism which will appear as government. And this is virtually the way it is now, only it's done covertly. They haven't got control of all the resources. It's kind of like a big game of chess to them. They just want to control all the pieces. And government is the mechanism that they use to exercise this control. They really don't care about how many countries they have to destroy and how many people they have to kill to do it. You see, they really have no empathy at all, it's just not part of their psychological makeup. Government is the mechanism they use to exercise their control. And this is quite obvious to see, as I have often said when one looks at where the word government comes from, which is the Latin gubor mente, which means control mind. So government is one big mind control operation to make people believe that the fictional paper based system that we live in is actually real, but it's not. What is real is the wonderful earth that we live on, and the beautiful people who live upon it.

Currently this wonderful earth and its beautiful people are both held tightly in the clutches of a fictional system which really doesn't care about the earth, and really doesn't care about the people. It's a system designed by human beings, but it is a thoroughly inhuman system. The beauty of it, the simplicity of it is the system is fictional. It only exists on paper, and therefore it is very easy for the human race to free itself from the clutches of this system should we chose to accept the opportunity we are being provided with to do so. And the time to act really is now, folks. Because as positive as one wishes to remain, the fact is that so many opportunities are not presented often and never are they presented lightly. So we need to make the choice while the choice is still available to us, because the choice may not always be there and we are running out of time.

Well we are getting very close to the end of the show here again, folks. Thank you for putting up with my mindless babble.

Now last week on the show I mentioned that I'd really like to put a full page ad in every newspaper in Australia, and I've had some emails from people and some messages from people all expressing their desire to show such support in such an action. So what I would like to do is I'd like to organize a way for people to donate to this cause specifically on the website. Someone has even suggested that I do a money bomb type of affair and put a thermometer on a page so that people know how much money has been donated and know when the target is achieved. And I have no idea how to do this folks. If anybody could help me set up something like that, I would be most appreciative.

I have also had a large number of requests from people wanting me to add subtitles to my videos to my radio shows that I post on You Tube. I've explained to them that I don't script any of these shows so it would be rather time consuming to have to listen to the show back and then write it all out and add subtitles to the You Tube clips. So if anybody would like to do that. If anybody would like to get any of my radio shows and simply add English subtitles. This is because many people who speak foreign languages can actually read English better than they can understand what I am saying. So I have had many people request me to add English subtitles to the clips. So if anybody would like to take up that challenge, I mean perhaps you could open up a You Tube channel, you could add all my clips to it with English subtitles and I would be happy to link to you from my other You Tube channel and to link to you from the Crowhouse and point people in that direction. I could put a link to any of the to poi8nt people to your subtitled clips. Whatever, I am sure we could work something out. That would be a great thing. If anybody feels like helping, they are two jobs that I would very much like to see done. If anybody feels like taking up the challenge or has the spare time with which to do so.

Well, thank you very much for listening to the show again today folks. Thank you for giving me the time that you have. Thank you for your supportive emails. I'd be interested in whatever country that you would be in at the moment that you can still access I've been getting reports from people that it may be banned in certain places, but I haven't been able to confirm that because I simply haven't had time. If you could do me a favor and just check the website, see if it will open for you and get back to me. Either post on this clip or send me an email. It would be great to know.

Well, thank you very much for spending this time with me today, folks. I very much enjoy the opportunity that I have to come onto the air and talk to you the way I do. And I very much appreciate the fact that so many of you listen. I'll look forward to speaking to you again next week. Take care until then.

In Lak'ech.