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Max Igan - A Broader View of Things - American Voice Radio - 09/02/2010 - Transcribed by Liz Patton

“This crippling of individuals is what I consider to be the worst evil of capitalism. Our whole education system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career.” That quote comes from Albert Einstein.

Welcome to Surviving the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Maxwell Igan. It's a pleasure to be with you again. And I will be your host for the next hour.

Now, in all of the discussions I have had with you on all of these radio shows ever since the very beginning; ever since I first began talking to you on the radio, I have attempted to bring you information and offer you perspective on topics that may be deemed both positive and negative. But in bringing you information on topics that may be deemed negative, I have always very much attempted to empower the listener. And I very much hope that such has always been the case. My attitude has always been one whereby I believe information to simply be information. And I believe that one is unable to take positive steps to rectify a problem if one is unaware that a problem exists.

Now I've done this a lot on a great many radio shows. But all I have really attempted to do is to offer you perspective. Ultimately my perspective on the things I see before me is really all I really have to offer. Even so, it's difficult to ignore from almost any perspective the fact that there is something seriously wrong with our world.

In the world today folks, what we find is a civilization that is wholly uncivilized. In fact when you look really deeply at it, you find that there is very little within our society that is actually beneficial to the human race at all. I mean, sure technology is nice and all these sorts of things are nice, but at what price, folks? Couldn't we be using Tesla technology? Could we be doing things a little differently, where we didn't live in a disposable society and still have all the things that we hold dear. All the modern things that we love. All the toys and trinkets that modern people like to have. I mean, we could still have all these things, folks, but we just need to make them in a manner that they last. We don't need to have a consumer based society. A capitalist, consumer based society simply doesn't work. And we can tell it doesn't work by looking at the state we currently find our world, our societies and our general consciousness.

Now the path that we are on folks, using technology in this unbridled and wanton destruction that we continue to perpetuate around the planet. As we continue down this path, we are only heading for inevitable failure. Yet even as we do this, if one steps back and looks at it, we can see that this failure is being orchestrated. You see, the people who are in charge of this planet have orchestrated a system of exploitation; blatant exploitation and pollution and profiteering that is ultimately designed to collapse. And they have such a control over the human psyche that they'll be able to do this and then convince the people of the world that it was the terrible humans; the terrible people who caused all the damage that's being done to the planet. Well sure, it is being done by the people, but the people are being led down the path. They are being tricked into doing it by corporations and governments. Because everything that we do. There is a sustainable way to do all of it. We can make sustainable cars. We could make sustainable everything, folks. We don't need to make things that are going to break down all the time. But of course, you can't talk about making things sustainable these days because if you do that, the word sustainable has been co-opted by the Al Gore camp. And so when you say the word “sustainable” people immediately think of sustainable development and Agenda 21 and accuse you of being on the side of the architects of the New World Order.

It's very hard to even discuss these things anymore, folks. You have to be careful with the words that you use. You can't say “global unity” and you can't say “sustainability” without people thinking of one world government and Agenda 21. But we do need sustainable societies. We do need a sustainable food system. We need to stop this throw away society that we've been tricked into going along with.

What we need more than anything is sustainable communities. That's what I'm trying to do here in Australia. We've got a lot of initiatives that have been undertaken as a result of the community meetings that I've been going to. We are trying to now implement these initiatives within the community in the hope of building a strong community. Because ultimately, it is community that is our best resource, folks. As I have said, the world is indeed heading for a very bad place economically and socially if you really look at the social structures that we've constructed for ourselves, the city based social structures. These systems are headed for inevitable collapse. I am very fortunate that I don't live in a very large city. I think a large city would be the worst place to be when such a crash does occur. That's the problem folks; its not a matter of if, its a matter of when, because such a crash will indeed occur because unfortunately for the people in it, the system is constructed that way.

Now upon saying this, there may be many people out there that may say, “Now don't be silly. Why would the system be constructed this way? What on earth would they construct a system that is designed to fail for? What is the point of doing this?”

It's the old Illuminati slogan of “Ordo Ab Chao” - Order out of chaos. You see, as I have often said to you, all the world is a stage. And it truly is this way, folks. It really is a stage. Everything has been orchestrated. Everything that we are seeing today has been orchestrated. Even the actions of America in it's blatant aggression. Really folks, look at some of the things America has done in the last 50 years. For a country that been known for promoting freedom, its absolutely disgraceful. The reason for this is, it isn't actually America that's been doing it. It's all been puppeteered. You see, America is supposed to look like the demon at the moment. America is supposed to look like the Fourth Reich, which is why they moved all the Nazi's there after World War II, just so they could continue the whole thing.

It all goes back to how America itself was constructed. You see, its been very clever, folks. They actually wrote out the Constitution. They gave America the Constitution. I've talked to you about this before After the War of Independence, they wrote out what it basically was to be a human being and presented it to the American people as the American Constitution. So when you read the American Constitution, it rings true as such a beautiful document because it basically describes what you are as a human being. It takes everything that is good about being a human being and everything that is sacred about being a human being and it puts it down on a piece of paper. But by naming something, you can now gain control over it. So by putting that down on a piece of paper, all the things that make you a human being, and presenting these basic human qualities to you as if they are something that was won in a war and delivered to you by government, it then gives the government the ability to take every single one of these things away from you. Now they can say, “Look, we gave this wonderful Constitution to the people of America. We made America a free nation. And now look what America has done to the world. America has gone at it dropping bombs. It's creating wars. Its doing all this damage around the planet. Look what happens when you give people freedom! They lose control. They go out and try to take over the rest of the planet. What was it that gave these people freedom? Oh look, it was written down in this Constitution. So we need to remove all these things from the people in order to insure peace and prosperity for the world.”

And because what is in the United States Constitution is the basic foundation stone of being a human being, then now they get to remove the humanity from the human race. They get to turn the human race into a society of robots who simply do what they are told and follow very strict regimented rules and very strict regimented patterns.

This has been designed to do this all the while long. This is why 9-11 was staged and why it was so obvious that 9-11 was an inside job. You see, they could have done 9-11 properly. They have the technology to do this. They could have done the job properly so that it looked at least like it was a terrorist attack. It looked like it on the surface, but when you researched it, when you look into it, it goes without saying that this thing was a staged event. There is absolutely no question of it. There is always going to be a group of people; and even if there isn't, then there is a controlled media which is always going to promote the government lie. So even by staging 9-11 and making it so blatantly obvious, they have immediately divided the society; immediately divided the country. They've put neighbor against neighbor and media against researcher. They put everybody against everybody else. And there has been this big furor and arguments left, right and center for the last nine years on who the culprits actually were.

So this is what's going to be used to bring down America. By bringing down America, what they do is they bring down freedom. They say, “Look what happens when you give people freedom.” And they'll blame the American government of course, when it really hasn't been the American government; it's been the international banking cartels that puppeteer the American government. The same cartels that puppeteer the entire global banking system. The same cartels that puppeteer that the entire global spiritual system. It's one neat package, folks. Its all been done by design. They've simply been following a script. Its the job of people like me to hopefully see this script.

There are so many things going on in the world, folks. There are so many systems in place that are designed to keep the human race distracted and in a state of inaction. The controlled media is one of the main culprits, of course. Its amazing the amount of rubbish people consume just by their televisions. It really is. The media, the banking system and the education system are three major systems of control. Then of course you have religious systems and even the entertainment systems, folks. When you really look at what you are being fed by the mainstream media, and what's in newspapers and what's in a lot of the programming on television, it's absolutely incredible. It really is. Some of the main things that people really do need to understand is the money system and the education system.

A good way to judge the education system really is to have a look at history. Really, the only way you can get a decent look at history is to travel around the planet and have a look at a few places. If you do, what you are going to find is that, there are these artifacts and these huge piles of stone laying all over the planet that tell completely different stories that what we are being told in textbooks. So this may begin to help you understand that they have been lying to us all along on all fronts. And if they have lied about history, then why would they be telling the truth about the present? Why would they be telling the truth about anything? If they're not going to tell people that the very money that we use to pass around to each other is based on interest bearing debt and is the sole cause of inflation and is why we have to work so hard and pay so many taxes, then what are they going to tell us? If there isn't a politician on the planet that is willing to address this problem, then what use are any of the politicians?

These are the sorts of things that we need to be asking ourselves, folks. As I have said to you many times before, the system is very broken, but we don't need to tear down the system, we just have to change the system. We can't do it from working within the system, because that means entering politics or something like that. And we can't do that, because if you enter politics, well you are already playing by their rules and you've lost already because they've made the rules. That's the way they wrote it. They wrote the rules so that the system will protect itself. So the only way to stop this; the only way to fix all of these things; the only way to remove the people from the clutches of things like a corrupt monetary system is to stop going along with it. To realize that all of our taxes don't pay for infrastructure. They go to pay off interest on the governments loan to a private bank. And there are all kinds of other things going on as well. We don't need to be paying any taxes on anything. The ultimate way to understand it is to realize that the entire corporate system under which we operate is entirely fictitious. It only exists on paper. It really isn't anything tangible at all. You really can't walk up and hit it with a stick. You can't walk up and thump it. It's just a bunch of illusionary laws. It's a bunch of rules and directions written on pieces of paper by men with expensive suits. That's all that it is.

And everything has been put into place in our societies. Everything that is being done to our societies. All of the concepts of class or social status. In fact, our entire social structure; our entire political structure; our entire business structure, has all been designed to create division among the people. That is a huge sign, folks. That is a huge clue as to how to fix the problem. If everything that this society is designed to do is to create division and create self absorbed sociopathic people, then obviously the way to fix all the problems is to do the opposite. The way to fix the problems is to act in empathy and to create common unity within communities. As soon as the people unite and break down the imaginary walls of division, the entire system collapses, folks. It's really that simple. When would you like to start?

I have already made a bit of a start in the area in which I live. I've been attending these community gatherings as you have no doubt heard and I have mentioned to you before. From these gatherings we have formed this free of charge market store. We are also beginning a permaculture initiative. I;ll be at the first annual permaculture award for this area. We're going to encourage people to put permaculture gardens in their yards and provide a substantial prize for the winner over a six month period. So it's a win-win situation, folks. Even if you don't win the prize, then you end up with a permaculture garden in your yard. Eventually there will be gardens growing everywhere if we can get enough people involved in this type of a contest. That is the idea; to put food throughout as much as the community as possible. Put the common unity back into the community.

We've got a few initiatives that we are organizing. I believe that if you can really give to members of the community. If you can give unconditionally to people, you will change their perspective of reality. Some people may be a little harder to crack than others, but that's just the way it goes. Because some people may be very successfully brainwashed, and this brainwashing runs very deep. I would just continue to give to them anyway. I truly believe that creating a gift culture and building community is absolutely the best option that we have available to us. It's actually the only option that we have available to us, because it's only by building communities that we are ever going to be able to stand against what is coming.

What needs to happen is, people need to realize the power that they have. They need to understand that these governments are actually our servants.

Recently in the United States, we've seen the introduction of bill S510. I'm not sure if they actually got it through or whether it ended up being deconstructed and reconstructed in the form of 3 or 4 smaller bills, which essentially do the same thing. What it basically does is, it is the Food Modernization Act. It is the outlawing of home gardening, basically. What people have to understand when faced with this type of ridiculous and criminally insane legislation, is they have to understand that this type of legislation is an infringement of basic human rights. You simply cannot comply with it folks. You simply cannot go along with this sort of stuff. You have to understand this. You have to understand that this is a basic human right to grow food. You also have to understand that any police officer, or any soldier, or any government figure who supports this legislation is committing a crime against humanity. These are the types of people whose cases will one day be heard in war crimes tribunals such as in the Nuremberg trials. You have to understand that by defending your right to grow food, this is your duty as a citizen. This is your duty as an American citizen. It is your duty as an Australian citizen. As a citizen of every country. As a member of the human race, it is your duty to defend your right to grow food. As I said, understand that anybody who prevents you from growing food is basically committing a crime against humanity regardless of what legislation has been enacted by corrupt government that allows them to do so. Again, all legislation is, is a set of laws and rules put in place by men with expensive suits who actually work for international banking cartels and simply don't have the best interest of the people at heart. So why on earth would the people of the world even consider going along with these ridiculous rules that they keep throwing at us?

The only reason that people really do consider going along with these rules is because of fear, usually. Often fear of the police. And this is a very disturbing thing in itself. The people should not be in fear of the police. The police really should be there to protect the people. That's why its a very good idea to try to establish relationships with the police. I know its very hard, especially with modern police. Most modern police officers seem to be totally unapproachable. They are gruff, rude, very unfriendly type of individuals. Nothing like what police used to be. Again, its good to try to establish relationships with them. It can be hard. The police are in fact, some of the most brainwashed people in all of our society, but we do need to try to establish relationships with these people because these are the front line. These are the people that are being used to create what will essentially a hell on earth for their own children. Very often due to the influence of their peers, they find it very difficult to ever open their minds to it. They believe knowledge of it does exist somewhere in the back of their minds. If they would only look and see it.

The thing with police is, they are simply people too. That's the ironic part about it all. It is a shame that we've constructed a society and constructed a mentality within people where the people will eventually police themselves, rather than dealing with the criminal elements that actually run the planet. It's these criminal elements that put society under so much stress that we do see street crime. And we do see theft. And we do see violence in our societies. Everyone's emotions and everyone's psyches are kept so suppressed by the rulers at the top who puppeteer the whole show. And if anyone ever reacts or reacts or tries to speak out against the system or just has had enough one day and feels like standing up and shouting, then we have a group of society known as the police who are all too ready to go and squash this person, jump on them, beat them up, lock them up and make sure society never hears from them again. And of course, by doing this to any member of society who does speak out, these police officers are creating a world where it's okay for someone to do that to their mother, its okay for someone to do that to their daughter, their sister, their brother; even themselves. By their actions, they really are helping construct a society where their own children may be terrorized at will by whatever corrupt individual happens to be in a seat of power.

There is no denying that this is happening, folks. There is no denying that our societies are gradually becoming more and more and more like Nazi Germany. The amount of surveillance cameras we're seeing put up everywhere. The actions of our police. I mean, really folks, look at the actions of these people. It's happening slower than what they did in Germany, but go and look outside. Do you really see all this violence outside? Do you really see all these terrible humans doing all of these terrible things anywhere, or do you just see it on the TV? Even people that I know that have gone to protests; they go to protests and they have a couple of thousand people walking down the street, singing songs, handing flowers out to people; and just basically standing for global unity and standing for common unity amongst the people. And yet on the TV, you'll see violent clashes with police and protestors. And any of the people that protest say, “Well, I don't know. I didn't see any of that anywhere where I was.” They go and stage these little events in places. Then they put them on the news and tell the people out there in TV world that that's what happened. But usually it isn't what happened at all. You'll find that in all of these situations in recent years; all of the trouble, all of the violence, all of the arrests have all been instigated by police. All of it. Every single time. The police have gone there, dressed in black Kevlar and acted like terrorists. That's what they've done. That's what they always do in these situations. This needs to be addressed by the people. This needs to be addressed by the population. We fought wars, folks. We fought in World War II. Our parents fought and died in World War II to prevent this from happening in our countries.

Now look what's going on, folks. All of these things. The incredible hardship that people find themselves in now. We've got virtually a society of transients, where people are just moving from one rental to the next. Hardly anybody owns anything anymore. No one can afford to really do much anymore. The dollar is worth less and less every day. Everyone is in a state of hardship. Everyone is in a state of shortage. And everyone is reduced to a state of poverty where joining the military actually becomes a viable option. It actually becomes almost the only option. And this puts you in a situation where if you wish to feed your family, you need to go and kill other people's children for banking cartels in order to do so. This is simply not acceptable.

All of the laws that have been put in place; all of the actions that have been carried out by our police officers, you've got to understand these cops are completely brainwashed, otherwise they wouldn't be a police officer. That's a given. You've got to understand, it's only by building community that we can stand up to any of this. It's only by building community that we are going to be able to make the stand that we are going to need to make. It has to be done non violently. We simply need to turn away from the system now, and start growing gardens and start preparing for what is coming.

It's not like we have a choice in the matter, folks. Really, if you think about it. If the system collapses, and it will collapse eventually, whether it;s this year, whether its next year. Some people say it's going to be in 4 months. I expected it to crash last year, folks. We've been waiting for this for a while. I believe this is why they're trying to kick start this war with Iran. I mean, apart from the fact that Israel just wants to have another war. The other reason they want to have this war with Iran is to stimulate spending. If they don't stimulate a massive amount of spending, then they're not going to have an economy. The globe isn't going to have an economy. No one's got any money. They're all in debt to the world bank. No one can pay any of their loans back.

So the system is going to collapse folks. And when it does, all of the trucks are going to stop running. All of the food deliveries to supermarkets are going to stop. All the supermarket shelves are going to be depleted in a matter of 3 days. So you need to put gardens in. You need to have a supply of food. You need to have growing all through your communities as we should do. As we used to do before our corrupt governments and corrupt education systems and ridiculous social structures trained us not to have food growing in our gardens. All of our parents and our grandparents all had gardens. And there was a reason for that, folks.

So anyway, I think it's getting close to break time here. I'll leave it here for now. We'll go and have a break and I'll talk to you again in a few minutes. Thank you very much for listening.


Welcome back, folks. So on all these shows we've talked about a myriad of different things. Even on today's show, all the terrible things that are happening to our society. The global prison system that is gradually being built around the people of this planet. Don't kid yourself that it's not happening, because it is. We've talked about things such as Codex Alimentarius – the control of the food system. Big pharma - the selling of sickness to the population. The dumbing down of the population through neurotoxins being added to the food; through fluoride being added to the water. The chemical and genetic manipulation of the human race via the spraying of chemicals in the atmosphere what people refer to as chemtrails. And looking at some of the things that are actually part of the ingredients of these chemtrails, it very much indicates that there may even be more insidious reasons for spraying these chemicals in the sky. It really does appear to be a multi-pronged approach on their behalf. I think there are actually a number of reasons for the spraying of these chemicals upon the population.

There are so many of these things happening, folks. It's just happening all around us. Then you've got talk of impending doom all the time. It comes from everywhere. It's still coming from the Gulf of Mexico, that there has been rumors surfacing now that the North Atlantic current is actually slowing down, or possibly has stopped. Rumors of impending financial crash. Rumors of pandemics. Rumors of all sorts of things. But it is always putting the fear of disaster into the minds of the population. And yet nothing ever really seems to happen. There are a lot of people crying wolf. And meanwhile the gears of the system are slowly continuing to turn around. Everybody is worried about impending disaster. Waiting for a huge change that is going to happen to the world. Suddenly, millions are going to die from Swine Flu. Or suddenly there is going to be an earthquake and half the world is going to die. Or suddenly a comet is going to come from outer space. Planet X is going to arrive. The whole world is going to change. There is going to be a polar shift in 2012 or whatever. There are so many people waiting for something to happen, and meanwhile, slowly all around them, walls are getting higher and higher, security measures are going up and up and up, police forces all around the globe are uniting and are being militarized while everybody is distracted, waiting for the end of the world. Waiting for a pandemic. Waiting to shift to fifth dimension. Waiting for the world to change in 2012.

Folks, I believe the entire 2012 scenario...I think this period in history is a great opportunity for shifting human consciousness. I think that's why there are so many people waking up. But I think that the powers that be are working quite hard and quite diligently to bring about a massive control grid and a micro chipped population. They are working right now to collect DNA from everybody. They're saying “Its a great idea. Be part of this huge DNA collection. We want to map the entire human and be able to write out the entire human family tree.” And they're saying this is the reason they want to do this. We had people a few years ago actually announce they had cloned human beings and the first human beings cloned was called Eve and she was born in the Middle East and they did it in the Middle East because you aren't allowed to do it in the United States. This is something I was talking to Freeman about recently. Now these news reports exist. They were on the front page of the newspapers. These were on national news on television, but they seemed to have gone unnoticed. Now they're asking for a huge human DNA database. So it's been admitted and we know that they can clone human beings. They cloned the sheep quite a long time ago. Do you really think they've been sitting on their hands since then? Of course they haven't. Folks, you've got to understand that these people can clone human beings. Now they are asking for DNA database. What do you think they're going to do with this DNA database?

I've been coming on to these shows for a long time now and telling people whats going on with the world. It's just still going on. All these bills are still being passed. I just wonder how many people listen to the shows and simply go back to their lives and wait for the next installment next week. I wonder how many people have actually gone out and put in gardens. I wonder how many people just give this information to people. If you're having a hard time talking to your neighbors or talking to your friends about this stuff, maybe play them one of the radio shows. Maybe the penny will drop. I don't know. Something I have tried to put across on these shows is, it's not that important to explain to people who is to blame. Its bout getting people to notice what's going on around them.

What I'm trying to say here is, we can sit here and we can scream disaster. We can scream financial collapse. We can say there are comets coming. We can say the world is going to change in 2012. We can scream disaster and doomsday; financial doomsday. Ecological doomsday. Social doomsday. Global warming. Whatever we like. We can do it till the cows come home. But even if these things might come to pass, we shouldn't ignore what;s going on around us at the same time. We really do need to focus on the now, folks. Whatever happens in the future will be what we allow to happen; what we make happen. And we need to understand exactly what we are creating here and what we are allowing to be created around us.

You see no matter how you look at it, the system is changing. The world is very much changing. Whether its ascending to the 5th dimension or its just simply descending into a global police state, it's changing. We need to understand that this is physical world we live in, and sure, there is a lot beyond physicality, but at the moment, we have a lot to put up with what we perceive with the five senses. It would be a great thing to be able to unlock the higher senses that we have. But in order to do that, we need to remove fear from the human psyche. The best way to do that is to address the system. And if we allow a police state to be built around us, well I think it's going to have exactly the opposite effect from what the human race actually needs. We need to rewrite the system.

I've talked to you a lot about putting in gardens and about building community. There are a lot of people that want to go and build alternate communities. As I have said, these things are all very well, but we also need to address the problem that has created the need to build these alternate communities. There are a lot of ideas for alternate communities being put forth. One of them is the Venus project that has been put forth by the Zeitgeist Movement. I've had so many people write to me and ask me about the Venus Project and about Zeitgeist movement. People have suggested that I support it. People have asked me to comment on what my opinion of the Venus Project is; I have reservations about the entire concept. I think a lot of the ideas that are put forth by Jacque Fresco are great ideas. And I think that these things could well be incorporated into our cities and into our social systems, absolutely. But the one thing that I find disturbing...there are a couple of things, but the main thing I find disturbing about the Venus Project – when you get to the end of it all, what you find is, what it actually suggests is that the human race is incapable of looking after itself and we need to be governed by computers. I don't believe this to be true, folks. I think that the human race is a wonderful spiritual organism. It is a single consciousness, and I don't believe we need to be governed by computers at all. The other obvious question of course would be, 'who programs the computer'? Another thing I find disturbing about the Venus Projects is the architecture. It just looks like Dubai. I personally would prefer to live in a nice little wooden cabin somewhere deep in a rainforest, then live in anything that I see presented by the Venus Project. Of course, if we are going to have cities, then it would be understandable. They should probably be cities that would function in such a way that is outlined by the Venus Project. Personally, I disagree with some of the fundamental principals of the project.

However, having said all that, I do not wish to dismiss the protect altogether. I do not wish to belittle or attack anyone that supports the project. I thin there are many good ideas within the Venus Project that very well could be incorporated into any type of future society that we have. One thing that I do know about this society that we have now, is it is wholly dysfunctional and that all options should be put on the table. So I think, sure great idea, but we need to tweak a few things like the computer control of humanity; I simply don't agree with that. I do agree that we could automate a lot of the system. I do believe we could make sustainable appliances. Sustainable technology that wouldn't break down. That would last a long time. I believe we could have all of this automated, which would free up a lot of people to do what they wanted to do and pursue spiritual pursuits. I do believe that the abolition of money would be a good idea, because I can't see that we need money. I believe that we should be a gift and resource based culture. I believe that everybody should be granted a block of land as soon as they are born. I believe that we should work to make all the land that we can arable. I believe that we can create a wonderful, sustainable future on this planet. I believe that we have every opportunity to live in a state of total abundance on this planet. We have every opportunity to have permaculture in everywhere and have edible forests all through cities. Everybody's yard should have an edible forest in the backyard. I mean, we have the potential to create a wonderful future here on this planet. And the only thing that prevents us from doing so is our governments. I believe that the whole system is broken. However, I don't necessarily believe that replacing this whole entire system with another system that looks like Dubai and is run by a computer is a good idea. But again, all options should be put on the table and examined for what merit they do have. It's no good attacking these people, folks. We need ideas. We're never going to come up with a viable future if all these ideas are shouted down. It's very doubtful that one person is going to come to come up the perfect future for humanity. That's why all the ideas need to be put on the table and everything needs to be examined, because all of these systems are going to have their good points and bad points, folks. We need to find the middle ground somewhere. We need to find what serves humanity and what serves the planet. We need to work in harmony, but not to the extent to where humanity is subservient to the planet as we see in situations such as that proposed by Agenda 21 and the sustainable development crew. These people basically want to herd society like cattle and just grow the planet into a huge super forest and have the little ordered humans attending the rich and farming the super forest. That's not what we want at all. We want something that's going to be sustainable and ecologically balanced that is going to support all life on this planet, humans included.

I don't know folks. Out of everything that I've seen, I still believe the best way to do this is to build community. I still think that no matter what system is put in place, if a system at all is put in place, the strongest thing that we have as human beings is community. With the building of community, we can step away from all of the systems. We really can. I think that's what we have to do. All the problems that we face really do have a common cause. The cause is the corruption in our society. The reason this corruption exists is because of our participation. And we can step away from it.

I have spent so many shows coming on here and talking to you all about the problems and all the things that are going on in the world. I've done everything I can to help people understand the need to build community and hopefully lead by example, by talking to you about these public meetings that we've been having here where I live. The meetings have now moved to a new location because we've outgrown the one that we had. An outdoor location, because now it's time for people within the meeting, within the group to put their words into actions and to start building these permaculture gardens, and to start making a difference in our local community. It's very pleasing to say that everyone is coming on board very much, Everybody does want to see change. They all recognize that change starts with us.

With all the things that I've said to you on these radio shows, you've got to understand that I don't want to pull this system down and create any anarchy. I don't want to pull the system down and create any hardship. I don't wish to hurt anybody. I don't wish to hurt any of the criminals and politicians and sociopaths that are in charge of this place. I'm not being judgmental calling them that, folks. It's simply an observation. It's no good saying, “ Oh, you're being judgmental by calling someone a sociopath,” if they are a sociopath. You've got get out of this New Age mentality that seeing people for what they are is being judgmental. I could admit someone is a sociopath without disliking them, folks. Its simply what they are. I prefer to heal them to hurt them, but you cannot deny what they are. If you do, again, we simply see denial of the problem so you can never fix the problem. And even they can never fix the problem because they may not even know. When there are these elements that are in charge of our society, it's our denial of these facts and our refusal to face these facts, and such attitudes promotable by the New Age movement that you cannot be realistic about people because to do so is to be judgmental. This is what allows these situations to flourish. This is what allows the world to get continually more and more repressive. This is what allows the police state future that we are seeing created to be created is people failing to address these problems.

I've done everything I can on these shows to try and help people understand this and try to help people understand the need to build community. Simply because of these sociopathic elements. Simply because of what these city councils and government bodies prevent the people from doing. People need to understand if we all work together, we can create a viable, sustainable and very vibrant future for this planet. The only ting that stops us from doing so is these councils and government bodies, and yet we the people actually employ these councils and government bodies to act on our behalf.

There is something serious wrong with that picture, folks. So we need to implement positive change within our communities ourselves. We need to do it as communities. You build community around you, and then that community of people can do anything they want to improve that community. And if the council doesn't like it, well we can get a new council, because these people work for us. And that is the truth of the situation. And that is therefore the attitude that we need to adopt. We elect these people to act on our behalf, then we bow to their every whim. It's ridiculous. It's not supposed to be that way. And it's us allowing it to be that way that is creating the situation that we have in the world. It's allowing the perpetuation of all these wars; of all the escalation of death within all of our nations. Of the massive amount of homelessness. Of the removal of the rights of the people. All of the problems that we face as western societies. The gradual Nazification of the entire globe is happening simply because we forgot these people, these governments actually work for us.

The reason that we've seem to forgotten this is, because the government got control of everything. The government got control of the education system. The government got control of the media. And this happened because of who controls the government. The governess isn't controlled by the people anymore. The government is controlled by multinational corporations, and these corporations act within a corporate legal system that basically allows sociopathic people from behind the scenes to become very, very powerful and to steer the direction of all of humanity through the corporate control over the government, the legal and monetary systems. And it all happens because we let it happen.

So it's time to step away from it all, folks. It really is. I don't know how many times I have to come on and say these things on these shows. Some times I wonder if I should even continue these shows, because I really don't know how many different ways I have to say the same thing to try and get people to stand up and come into their power.

I urge all of you out there to start community meetings. Start permaculture initiatives. Buy Heritage seeds. And when you see corrupt legislation being enacted by your governments, stand up and say something about it. When you see police acting out of line on the street and brutalizing the citizens, film it, record it, video it, post it on YouTube. Post it everywhere you can. Send it to news agencies. Write to ethical standards and complain about the actions of the police. Stand up against these people, folks. Don't let the world turn into Nazi Germany around you, because that's what's going on.

We need to put common unity back into the community, folks. We need to recognize the connection that we have to each other. And we need to respect the stand our parents and grandparents made for us to protect us from a global police state. We need to acknowledge the fact that this global police state is now being built around us by the very people that we elected to act on our behalf. The very people that we have entrusted our freedoms to are removing those freedoms, folks.

This is being done because all the world is indeed a stage. The entire political system is puppeteered by banking cartels, corporations and an ancient line of monarchy that has existed on this earth for an extremely long time. These people are aware that the human race is waking up. The human race is waking up to how the world is run. There is a huge potential for change on this planet. There is a huge potential for an evolution of the entire human consciousness. These ruling factions know how precarious their hold over the world now is, and this is precisely why they are stepping up the surveillance. Why they are bombarding people with electromagnetism, television, chemtrails, food additives, fluoride – everything that can to keep this consciousness under control.

So the time to act is now, folks. We need no violence, no guns, no bullets. All we need is a common unity of the people. And this change is happening now folks, as we speak, with initiatives such as the community gatherings I am having in my home town. We've got things such as The Great Gathering that's being put forth by Miriam Delicato. There are community initiatives happening in Mexico. I've even heard from a friend of mine that visits my forums, and there are community and permaculture initiatives even in Palestine.

People are standing up. People are realizing that we are all just people. There is no need for any conflict on this planet. All the conflict comes from government and banking sources. And it is our compliance with the wishes of these people that causes the conflict. So get to know your neighbors. Play them this radio show. Make your own radio show. Do whatever you can, but speak calmly, speak eloquently, be positive in the information that you are giving to people. And you can make a difference. You really can. And I should stand to you as living proof that one voice can truly make a difference. And I know this from this support that you've shown me and the amount of emails that you send me.

I'm going to put out a plea at this stage for any help or financial help or computer help that I can get. I am desperately trying to put together this film with Ben and need computer parts. I'm having things break all over the place. I desperately need any help anyone can give me at the moment. I really hate asking for donations, folks. I feel guilty every time I do it, but it's extremely difficult to function these days and I do need so many things to try to get this film finished, plus, I may be moving again soon. It's all a little bit touch and go at the moment. So any help you can give me is very appreciated. I will keep you posted on all of that anyway. Thank you again. And thank you always for the support that you've shown me. Thank you for the support that you've shown to the Please do continue to visit the website. Please do continue to spread the website to your friends and tell people about it. I'm very deeply humbled by the support that you all have shown me since I started these radio shows.

That is all for me today, folks. Its been a pleasure talking to you again. I look forward to speaking to you again next week. Take care until then.

In Lak'ech