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Why Don’t You Change?

Transcribed by Kathleen Martell

“Ethics cannot be based upon our obligations toward [people], but they are complete and natural only when we feel this Reverence for Life and the desire to have compassion for and to help all creatures insofar as it is in our power. I think that this ethic will become more and more recognized because of its great naturalness and because it is the foundation of a true humanism toward which we must strive if our culture is to become truly ethical.”

And that was said by Albert Schweitzer.

Welcome to Surviving the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Maxwell Igan . It’s a pleasure to be with you once again and I will be your host for the next hour.

Now folks, since I started doing these broadcasts back in 2008 when I was first interviewed September, 2008 and since I started doing my own show which was, I believe, January 2009, I have almost continually spoken about energy. Most of the shows that I’ve done have been discussions on energy and discussions on how the emotions effect reality. I’ve discussed the nature of atoms. I’ve discussed the nature of frequency. I’ve spoken about the law of mirroring which most people refer to as the law of attraction but it’s really a misconception because it is a law of mirroring. As reality will mirror back to you what you put into reality. Law of Attraction is simply focusing on something you’re creating in duality and therefore you may create the wealth and abundance that you want but you‘ll always, probably, create a lawsuit to go with it. So, it really does work different than that, folks, it’s more about emotions. If you are sad, reality will project a sad reality back to you. If you are in a state of giving then reality will project a giving reality back to you. And I’ve spoken about a lot of these sorts of things on this show.

I’ve attempted to alert people to the current state of the world and I’ve also attempted to help people understand the methods that are best employed to deal with the situation. And, really, the best method is for people to understand that the system is fictional and you can’t fight the system because the system will simply fight you back. But because it is, essentially, a fictional system then, obviously, the easiest way to defeat it is to stop supporting it. The best way to stop supporting it is to support each other. As I said, it really is no good trying to fight the system because you’re, essentially, fighting a cloud. And those that are trying to operate within the system, people such as the police force, the military, many of the politicians, these people are trying to defend the system. They believe in the system and they see anyone who threatens the system as a real danger.

But the thing is, we have created a social and political society that now enslaves us. We’ve created a society and a system that has become an energetic life form, on its own. The sustenance that this life form receives comes from us and it comes in the form of energy. It comes from the obedience we pay to the system; our belief that the system is real. The system, itself, has been responsible for every problem that we face as a society. Every piece of environmental damage that’s been done to the planet, all the frakking, all the wars, the financial slavery, the homelessness, the starvation, the incomprehensibly bad management that the planet has been subject to. I mean ridiculous practices such as growing apple in one country, shipping them to another country to get polished and then shipping them back to the first country. Everything has been done in such a wasteful, blasé and disconnected way. In fact, really, when you look at our society it’s possible the most dysfunctional entity that we could ever have constructed. And yet it now enslaves the human race.

It’s very, very difficult for people to extricate themselves from the system and individually it can virtually never be done unless you own some land somewhere and you are prepared to go and stand as a freeman and go through the whole court thing and do all that sort of stuff, which is a very big battle for oneself and eventually your children will end up back in the system so it’s a temporary reprieve as well.

So what becomes clear is that the only way humanity will ever really be able to extricate itself from the system is to do it en masse. The only way it will ever be done en masse, is if people unite. The only way people will unite is if they first become aware that an actual problem exists and they then become aware of what the solution is. And folks, it’s so obvious that the solution is human unity. The solution is in lak’esh, to treat others as yourself.

Everything we experience in life, every emotion, every sadness, every joy, every happiness, every feeling of despair, every feeling of loneliness, every want, every need, every desire. We all experience these collectively. We all experience these same emotions and if nothing else was to connect humanity, why can’t we connect on that point? I mean when we look at the world, the whole world has been turned into what we see before us, today, and is heading down a path of inevitable destruction. Destruction of the water table, deforestation, depopulation, chemtrails, over fished oceans, oil spills, everything that we’re doing. All of it. It all comes from us through our support of the system. And we know this is what’s going on. We know how corrupt the system is. So why haven’t we changed?

Why have we continually failed to connect with each other on an emotional level? And to experience reality through empathy. Sure, I can understand people get extremely frustrated at what’s going on and they wanna have riots and revolutions. Now I see what’s going on in Spain. I see what’s going on in Greece, unfortunately the Greek are rioting again. Rioting isn’t gonna fix anything. What’s need is community support and solidarity, not rioting. Because rioting...what are you going to do? You’re just going to go there and pull down the leader and put another leader in place. It’s not doing the inner work. It’s not realizing that all the problems come from us and our compliance to the system. And what we should be doing instead of complying with a fictional system is supporting each other.

We should be doing the right thing and the right thing is following the one law of service to the creation. And it’s so simple folks. Serve everybody around you and serve the earth itself. And when everybody starts doing this then because you are serving everybody around you and the earth itself then the earth itself and everybody around you will also be serving you. It is so simple to fix things. And this is what I’ve been trying to tell people for the last three years. So why haven’t we changed?

The problem is that most people are in fear of putting themselves in a state of service until someone else does it first. And of course, many people are too frightened to speak out against the system. And I suppose this is understandable, in many ways. I mean, we gotta speak out about it. We’re in fear of doing so because there is some mindless thug put in place to tell us to be quiet. Well, no, don’t be quiet.
Speak out, but do it calmly. Do it eloquently. If a person tells you to be quiet then tell them to be quiet while you speak calmly and eloquently.

But above all, folks, connect with people. That seems to be one of the most difficult things for people to do. One can learn public speaking. Get up and have their say. But if they’re not supporting their neighbors and their neighbors are not supporting them then it’s just another person on another soapbox. The real challenge is looking within oneself and overcoming that which lies within that serves to keep you divided from those around you. Because the system is a dysfunctional system; the system is what has created all of these problems but it’s happened because we’ve let it happen. It’s happened because of our failure to overcome that darkness, that shadow within ourselves that serves to keep us divided from those around us.

Everything that I’ve talked about on this show, when I’ve been talking about energy, this is what I’ve been referring to. It’s that fear energy that prevents people from ever looking within. The fear energy that we feel for ourselves; we go through life; we create unrealistic goals for ourselves in our lives. We live in fear of ever failing at these goals. We live in fear of death at the end. We live in fear of loneliness, fear of not fitting in, fear of financial worry, fear of not having a roof over our heads because we live in a society that’s constructed a system whereby each of us must pay to be alive. And all of this is perpetuated and gets more and more efficient simply because of our fear to connect with each other and to stand up against this system. It’s all fear. Everything about this society is based on fear.

And then there are those who know this. There are many people that understand what’s going on. They understand how to change things but still they won’t connect with their neighbors, still, though, have problems with people. So why haven’t they changed? Why haven’t you changed?

If you know everything that I talk about on these shows. If you understand the nature of reality, if you understand that the way to fix the system is to connect with those around you, why haven’t you changed? When are you going to start?

The world is in a state of crisis but the real crisis that the world is in, is the crisis that exists within human consciousness; the crisis that prevents humankind from standing in their own power, from being who and what they are. The crisis that prevents them from connecting with their neighbors because it is by connecting with their neighbors and helping their neighbors be all they can be that we each will, in turn, become all that we can be. This is how it’s done. But most people are too scared to start doing it. Most people are too scared to step outside of the mold; to think outside of the box. Yet everything hinges on our ability to do this. Everything we are, as a species, hinges on our ability to deal with this crisis that we have within ourselves.

It all hinges on our ability to face this fear because society, as we know it today, is completely insane. There is no other word for it. It is a completely insane society but it can still be fixed. And okay, so maybe doing the inner work isn’t enough for you. Maybe you wish to, also, have something tangible to get your teeth into. Well, something constructive that we can all do is address the money system.

I believe that we need to stand up en masse and demand that interest be removed from money and that all debts be cancelled. And we need to also, demand that any politician that refuses to comply with this be removed from office. I fail to see how anybody in society could object to this whether you’re a police officer, whether you’re even a politician because, no matter what walk of life you come from, you are all subject to a system of permanent debt due to this interest on money. And let’s face it folks, the only people who would object to the interest being removed from money would be those politicians who are heavily entrenched with the corrupt activities of the central banking system and these people will, very much, need to be removed from office. And such people who did oppose the removal of interest on money could always be sent to The Hague to be tried under their own laws for crimes against humanity. Because any problem that the world faces, anywhere in the world, that is resulted from either a nation or a person being in a state of shortage can be directly traced to the interest that is placed upon money.

And most of the crime that the world faces can be, also, attributed to the interest on money because it is this interest that keeps people in a state of shortage. Look at situations such as theft and fraud; these are all the result of people being in shortage. I mean of course very often it’s greed but people only get greedy because they’re not in their natural state which is a state of abundance. The system is designed to make people greedy and this is because there is interest on money. Look at prostitution, pornography, the things that people are forced to due in order to get enough money to eat. All these things can be attributed to the interest that is on money. Like I said folks, any problem, that the world faces, that is financially related is because of interest that has been placed on money. And it is this interest on money which’s allowed the world to be exploited and raped the way it has. And so the first step for any politician, who has any value at all, is for this person to address the interest on money. And any politician who opposes it is obviously corrupt.

You see money is supposed to be a medium of trade for people to pass around to each other but what we have, rather than a system of trade, is a system of debt and a system of financial slavery that is designed to place people in shortage and to milk the wealth of the planet. So there would be a good place to start, folks, address the interest on money because that’s where all of the physical problems stem from. Okay, so how are you going to do that? How are you going to effectively address the interest on money?

Well, of course, the only way it can be done is if the community stands up and addresses it en masse. And how does this happen? It happens if you connect with those around you and how do you do that? Well, you do that by doing the inner work, removing fear from your consciousness and following the one law of creation. You see it always comes back to the inner work, folks, no matter what the external problem is, it always, always comes back to doing the inner work to deal with the external problem. Because, ultimately, failing to address the shadow within and failing to face the fear we all hold with ourselves is the source of all the problems so therefore the source of the solution can only be and has always been to do the inner work.

And yet, in the case of many people, still we find division. Even in communities, that pretend to be awake, we find that division. Even amongst those individuals who claim to be in a state of love we still find a failure to connect with others. We still find a fear of standing in their power. Very often, even where it is being claimed the inner work is being done, we still find division.

You see, nothing’s going to change until we break down this division. Nothing’s going to change until we do the inner work. We can speak out about the system as much as we want, we can have public rallies, public petitions, scream at the politicians, march down the street waving placards as much as we want but until we do the inner work, until we connect with each other and start supporting our local communities, supporting those around us and have that local community supporting us back, until we all start to serve the creation, until we can recognize that we are all connected to each other, emotionally, if nothing else, even if you don’t believe anything else, then we will continue to stumble blindly and to ultimately fail. We can continue to pick ourselves up and stumble blindly some more as much as we like but until this inner work is done and until this connection is made with other people all of our efforts will, ultimately, be in vain. And so, if you know this, if you know how reality works, if you know that the answers to all of our problems is to follow the one law, if you know the answer is to be the change you want to see in the world then why haven’t you changed?

Very often we like to point the finger at others. Very often we like to point the finger at our politicians and blame them. Very often we like to be distracted by whatever it is we can invent around us. Look at Comet Elenin’s coming and so I should just wait till then and see if I’m still alive after September 26th and maybe then I’ll think about doing the inner work. Perhaps disclosure will happen. We’ll find out that there’s really a whole bunch of aliens here that’re going to save us so maybe I’ll wait till after disclosure to do the inner work. We seem to crave entertainment, folks, and if we can’t find it at the movies or on television, there’s always the latest disaster story, anything we can find to keep us on the edge of our seat; to keep us in fear of that which hasn’t happened yet and to prevent us from ever paying attention to what’s going on around us and to pay attention to what’s going on inside of us. And even with the, so called, truth movement much of it is, in fact, a side show. Most of it is simply a distraction to keep people hanging on the edge of their seat, waiting for the next event rather than stepping into the now and dealing with the situations we face right now on a global scale. And these situations truly must be dealt with folks.

I mean I’ve spoken to you about energy so much on these programs. I’ve spoken to you about love and fear. I’ve spoken to you about the law of mirroring. I spoken to you about how emotions affect reality but I haven’t done so because I want you to sit there and meditate on love and light. I’ve done so because I’m attempting to help you see the value in applying these emotional states to the physical reality around you. Because you’ve got to be in balance, folks, you’ve got to be in this correct energy to stay but you’ve got to apply to the physical world in which you live because it is people’s failure to apply to the physical world which is allowing the perpetuation of all these problems.

And even if you are someone out there who is of the new age persuasion and all you’re doing is sitting in love and light, all you’re doing is creating a massive imbalance. And by doing so you are, in fact, making the darkness stronger simply due to the state of imbalance that you’re in whether you wish to admit that or not. Unfortunately most new age people will not admit it because the new age movement very cleverly weaves a cocoon of ego around people which renders them incapable of ever facing the truth about the situation by helping to perpetuate via their inaction. And if you try to tell them about this they will claim that you are being very negative and you are helping manifest a negative reality and they do this because of their failure to ever face these emotions within themselves. And this is what the new age movement was designed to do, folks. It’s a very, very clever movement and it has been extremely beneficial to those who are creating all the mayhem on the planet in rendering many people, who would otherwise be active, into a state of apathy and denial. And in fact many people who’ve been indoctrinated into the new age belief system are among the most difficult to awaken in all of our society.

So that’s a little bit to think about while we go and have a break, anyway folks, I think it’s break time now so we’ll leave it here for now. Thank you very much for joining me on the show today. It’s always a pleasure to talk to you and I’ll speak to you again in a few minutes.

Thank you very much for listening.


And welcome back folks. So, what is it that has led us to this state? What has managed to keep us so divided as a species? I mean, sure, the system itself is designed to do this but how did the system get in place? I was talking about this last week, folks, when you really look at everything, look at the symbolism, look at the way all of this ritual works, look at the education system, the social system, the money system, the religious systems, the food toxins and fluoride, the chemtrails, the social division and whole hierarchical system that’s been put in place. This is an incredibly complex system. So what sort of a mind would have thought this up? Would you come up with something like this? I don’t think I would. I’m reasonably intelligent but I could not possibly come up with a system like this.

And when you start looking at the nature of reality, how the whole thing’s holographic anyway, how did we come to this? How did it come to this? How did the human consciousness originally come into this state and how would we develop a system like this? How could we create something with the complexity of this system that currently enslaves mankind? And how would we suddenly find ourselves in a state where we are depleting the planet of everything that the planet has to offer in order to maintain our temporary lifestyle; in temporary accommodation, living a life that is totally unsustainable and hurtling headlong towards our own destruction in doing so? I mean, how did we come up with this? Is this simply a natural progression of evolution or is this something much more sinister going on here?

And so let’s look at some of the more, shall we say, outrageous options of what actually could be going on. And let’s just have a little game of what if? Now all through the truth movement and all through magazines and all over the place there’s been a lot of talk of alien intervention on the earth. Good aliens, bad aliens, reptilians, whatever, call it what you will. Messages from the galactic federation of light, whatever, and folks, I’ll say right now for the record that I do not trust anything that I hear from the galactic federation of light, simply because I do not trust any message that doesn’t address the problem and encourages apathy while waiting to be saved. And I would suggest that if there actually is alien intervention on the planet Earth then they’re not the good guys, folks, and as exhibit A, we can use the earth itself.

And aliens and ETs and flying saucers and UFOs, this is a topic that I have always been very careful to avoid on all the radio shows for obvious reasons. It’s a very controversial topic. There are many people who absolutely believe that there are aliens out there that have been visiting the Earth and there are many people who absolutely scoff at the idea. However, me being a researcher, I must look at all the
research and sometimes the research does lead in that direction simply by matter of course. So when it does, if you are an astute researcher, you simply must look at all options with an open mind.

And I can’t say I’ve ever had any encounters with aliens. I did see a UFO in the year 2000, in broad daylight at 10:15 in the morning, over a city called Bundaberg in Australia. I was with 6 other people when we saw it and it was a very obvious UFO. It was a circular disk with a light on top and a light on the bottom. It was there in the sky for about 5 minutes, didn’t move, big bright flashing light. It was this textbook UFO. It looked like straight out of Hollywood. And it was just there, in the sky, broad daylight, clear sky, visible for about 5 minutes and then it just disappeared like someone had flicked a switch. And, as I said, there were 6 other people with me and there was about 20 or 30 phone calls to the local radio station that day from other people who’d also seen this thing in the sky.

And I used to be a little bit of a UFO buff before then. I used to read the books and wonder if these things were real but when I saw one I truly wasn’t prepared for it and I didn’t bother reading any books or magazines after that because I knew that they were real because I’d seen one with my own eyes. But of course, whether these are alien craft, whether they are multidimensional craft or whether they are simply remnants of Nazi UFO projects that have been taken over by the American government is open to speculation. So, as I said, I know UFOs are real because I’ve seen one but the question is, is there alien intervention on the earth?

I wanted to touch on this subject a little bit today because I actually was talking to Henrik from Red Ice radio the other day and I mentioned this on his show as well. And it’s all very bizarre, folks, but like I said if you start looking at the evidence it just keeps coming back to this; simply because it’s very difficult to comprehend how humanity would ever have naturally come into a state where we are doing what we are currently doing and living in the type of societies we’re currently living in. And as I said, if you are and astute researcher then you really have to be prepared to look at all the research with an open mind. And I’m not saying that there is alien intervention on the earth. I’m simply saying that there’s a surprising amount of evidence to suggest that there is. And there’s also a surprising amount of evidence to suggest that it hasn’t only happened on Earth. It may have also happened on Saturn and it may have been what caused the asteroid belt. It may have been what happened to Mars and there may be something that’s simply moving through the solar system and extracting all the resources from it and basically strip mining all of the inner solar system. And like I said, folks, it’s all very bizarre but the possibility has to be considered simply because there is circumstantial evidence to support the claim. And it would certainly explain why we find ourselves in the genetically impaired state that we are currently in with most of our DNA shut down. And why our main activity seems to be the extraction of resources from this planet. I mean, I know it really does sound bizarre, folks, but as I said, what if?

Now I don’t know if anyone’s noticed but there’s a moon around Saturn called Iapetus and I think Richard Hoagland’s talked about this thing. I’ve heard a few people talk about it. I was actually speaking to Ben Stewart and Adam Davis about it a few weeks ago and neither of them were aware of its existence but this thing looks like the death star, folks. It just doesn’t look natural, at all. In fact, it looks completely artificial, to be honest. It’s with this big ring around its center and it just looks like a totally ancient spacecraft or something and then we move in from there we’d find the asteroid belt so, perhaps, that just got strip mined to the point where there’s nothing left. And then we move in and we’ve got Mars and Mars looks like it’s been completely strip mined. It is bereft of almost everything. In fact, I don’t think Mars even has much of a magnetic field anymore. And there’s also the moon Phobos that orbits Mars which many people have speculated is a hollow moon simply because of its orbital characteristics.

And then we move in a little bit further and we arrive at the Earth and the Earth really seems to be being strip mined. All the resources are being taken from it. And we have our moon, around Earth. Our moon is a very, very bizarre thing, folks. There’s a book that was written many, many years ago, I believe by 2 Russian authors, that was called Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon. And that speculates that the moon is hollow. You can also look up a lot of details about the moon. You can find all sorts of anomalies that can be attributed to our moon and all of the theories that have been put forth on how our moon came to be there, how it came into existence. None of them have ever been able to explain everything about the moon so they’re all still theories. There is no real evidence to say where the moon actually came from. In fact, it’s a lot easier to explain our moon not being there than it is to explain how it came to be there.

And the fact that it has some very peculiar orbital characteristics, inasmuch as we only ever see one side of it, is also a little bit of a telltale sign. And one could, of course, speculate that the eye in the pyramid that everybody’s looking for on the ground is actually the moon. Another interesting side note to that, folks, is the fact that we know they always love to tell us how they’re doing things and I remember back in the old movie The Truman Show they were controlling the fake reality, that Truman lived in, through the moon.
And so further considering this possibility and remember we’re playing a game of ‘what if’ here, folks.

We can look at Gnostic teachings and in Gnostic teachings the moon is described as a female energy. And I believe its name is Selene or Selena and is said to be a female energy that is actually extracting energy from the earth. And from there we can segue into a story that comes from Native American tradition which also says that the moon is a female energy and there are many Native American shaman who claim to be able to see a web that emanates from the moon that actually encompasses the earth and is extracting energy from the earth. Notably, recently I believe, David Icke has also been talking about what he calls the moon matrix which is energy that comes from the moon and is controlling the earth.

A few years ago I also came across a series called The Allies of Humanity and actually had the first 5 briefings from the Allies of Humanity that I narrated and put up on YouTube, as one of the first things I put up there simply because I wanted to see what other people thought of the theory. But the theory that the Allies of Humanity were presenting was the fact that the earth had been taken over by resource explorers and that the earth was being strip mined.

And more recently I’ve run into a couple who are doing a program they call The Template which deals with sacred geometry and reactivating vital centers in the body and they believe, also, that the disturbing energy that has disrupted humankind and impaired our DNA is an energy that is coming from the moon.

So, what if, folks? What if?

And I’m not saying that any of this is true. I’m not saying that there is alien intervention. I’m not saying the solar system is being strip mined by a group of energies that seem to be using the moons to do it. I’m simply saying that evidence to suggest that this is happening exists and it is quite interesting that researchers from a great many unrelated fields seem to be coming to the same conclusion, that there’s something going on with the moon. Indeed, my research has suggested this for a long time but as I’ve said, it’s something that I keep trying to avoid because I really would like to find an earthly explanation for what’s going on. Now all this, of course, is speculation. Of course bringing the moon into the picture does explain an awful lot of things. But be that as it may, folks, even if that is the case, the answer to fixing the problem can still be found in human unity.

Now you may ask why I just went through all that. Why I even bother to bring aliens into the picture. And the reason I did so is because people keep sending me things like messages from the galactic federation. They keep sending me discussions about disclosure. I keep hearing people talk about how they’re visiting different planets; the planet of the grasshopper people or whatever. And how the governments are preparing to tell us the truth and the whole world’s going to turn into technological heaven where we all have free energy and all this sort of stuff. And there’s a lot of sitting around and waiting for it to happen and so no one is doing anything about the problems that we face. And what I’m suggesting folks, is that if you are of that persuasion, if you believe there is alien intervention on the earth then I ask you to stop for a moment to use your own discernment and look at the earth because if there is alien intervention here then they’re certainly not the good guys. And folks, as much as we try to avoid the issue, alien intervention would completely explain the state of our DNA and it would explain the state of the planet. It would also explain all of the false spiritualism that currently exists on the planet; of all the people out there telling everybody that everything is okay. That aliens are coming to save them.

So the galactic federation fan club and the new age people, these are some of the hardest people in the world to wake up to what’s going on around them. And many people who claim to be receiving messages from beings of light who are telling them to all sit there and stay in a positive energetic state, so they can all ascend to 5th dimension, are all being mislead into a state of apathy while the world is strip mined around them.

And I just keep coming back to it, folks, when I look around at the world, that’s what I see. I see a world being depleted of all forms of life. I see the oceans being polluted, the atmosphere being destroyed, the vegetation being genetically modified and the water table being polluted and destroyed beyond repair. I see a series of events that can only lead to the extraction of every resource the planet has to offer and the ultimate destruction of all life upon it. And I see it happening through fear and apathy in all directions. I see it happening through social fear. I see it happening through new age spiritualist fear and apathy disguised as love and light. I see it happening through people waiting to be saved by aliens, waiting to be saved by a savior, waiting for comet Elenin to come and destroy the planet, waiting for financial collapse so the world will turn to chaos and the phoenix will arise from the ashes but I see very few people doing the inner work; facing the shadow with themselves, connecting with their neighbors and serving the creation. And folks, it is only through service to the creation that the situation that humanity now finds itself in will ever be rectified.

And it doesn’t matter who’s in charge. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the illuminati. It doesn’t matter whether it’s banking cartels. It doesn’t matter whether there has been alien intervention and the earth is being strip mined from the moon. What matters is that all of these problems can be addressed by the same method and that is unity among the people and service to the creation.

I went through all that today because there’s so many people out there that are talking about disclosure and waiting to ascend to 5th dimension in the new age. And there’s so many people waiting for the arrival of things like comet Elenin, the arrival of Nibiru, planet X. Many of these people claim to be awake to what is going on in the world. They claim to be awake to the nature of reality but there are so few who are addressing the shadow; who are doing the inner work, who are dealing with life in the now. Many people claim to know what’s going on.

So why don’t they change?

Why are so few prepared to be the change they would want to see in the world? Why are so few prepared to be the type of friend that they would want to have as a friend and to be this type of friend to all people they encounter? Because this is how to fix the problem, regardless of what the cause of the problem is because ultimately the cause of the problem is our failure to face this within ourselves.
Sure, any one of the things that I outlined for you today is a possibility. Anything is possible folks. But stop looking for external sources on which to put the blame. Look within yourself. Find that shadow, find that darkest part and embrace it. Break down the barriers between yourself and your fellow man. Break down the barriers between yourself and creation and seek to serve the creation and you can change the world.
We truly have a beautiful planet. And we’ve never been presented with a greater opportunity for freedom that the one we are currently being presented with simply by the externalization of the hierarchy that has happened. And that has happened quite according to plan. But it’s important to see that through this externalization TPTB are attempting to push us into violent revolution when really what is needed is an inner revolution, and inner evolution. We need to evolve our consciousness to the point where we can see the real cause of the problem and embrace the real solution to the problem. And the time for us to do it is now. We really can’t wait very much longer. We need to establish this connection with each other. We need to build the bonds that should exist between humanity and stand together in unity and solidarity. Start doing things right.

Stop complying with a fictional system. Stop allowing the world to be destroyed around us. Stop allowing the resources to be pulled from the planet simply so we can maintain our lifestyles of temporary accommodation in front of the television set. So we can go to nightclubs and sex shows and spend our time with the useless activities that most of society gets up to while ignoring everything that’s happening to the planet and to the rest of humanity and all other life that lives upon the planet.

We’ve truly never had a greater opportunity to address these things folks. So let’s embrace that opportunity. And look how I presented that scenario to you today about an intervention. I could present another one next week because there’s enough evidence to take you down any rabbit hole you wish to go down. That’s the thing. It’s like whatever or whoever is in charge simply puts all of these theories and all of this evidence in place and throws it out there and says “okay, figure it out”. And we can go down
any rabbit hole we want. We can go down as far as we want and when we come out we will find that the earth is in the same or worse condition than what it was when we went down the rabbit hole.

So what we need to do instead of merely focusing on the problem is to be aware of what the problem is and to focus on the solution. And the solution is human unity. The solution is to face the shadow within ourselves. The solution is to evolve our consciousness to the point where we can communicate with reality through empathy and serve the creation. Always serve the creation. Because it is our failure to serve the creation that has created these problems. Our failure to serve the creation comes from the fear that we hold within ourselves.

And so, if you’re a listener of this show and you know this and you know how reality works then why don’t you change? Why don’t you become everything you would want to be? Why don’t you treat other people the way you would want to be treated? Why don’t you do all that you can to serve the creation because by doing so you can change the world? Be the change, my friends. And all things good will come from that one simple action.

Well, that’s almost it for me for me for the show today folks. I’d like to say thank you for listening to this rather unusual edition of Surviving the Matrix. I’d also like to say thank you to anybody who’s ever supported the Crowhouse. Thank you, again, to all those who donated to help with the car. A lot of people have suggested to me that I set up a subscription basis for the Crowhouse but I simply don’t want to do it, folks. I don’t want to force people to have to pay money to get information. I believe that if people like the information and that if people do enjoy listening to the show they will contribute to the website. And so I leave the continuation of the show in all of your hands. If you do like the show and you do appreciate the website and you do like the films, please do contribute as it is the only thing that keeps it all going.

I’d also like to mention that the featured website on the Crowhouse this week links to film about a Dr Burzynski and the film is called Cancer is Serious Business, it’s available for free viewing online until June 20th. I urge you to visit the site and watch this film if you have not done so already. And please encourage others to do the same as it is an extremely educational film. And it contains vital information that everybody really does need to know.

But that is it for me for the day folks and again thank you for listening to this rather unusual edition of the show . I’ll look forward to speaking to you again next week. Please take care until then.

In lak’ech.